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Everything posted by strid3r

  1. I've heard the 231's before at a meet and thought they were pretty decent. I remember the sound being balanced with no glaring faults. I always thought they were fugly though.
  2. I'd be interested in hearing your impressions...I was thinking about upgrading to the exact same system with the Icon/Encores.
  3. More music?
  4. Have you checked the wireless card for any loose connections? Worth a try...
  5. The 40GB has no SACD support and has no Playstation 2 backwards compatibility. Not sure if that matters to you, but something to keep in mind. They sell separate Sony remotes, like the one here: [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Sony-PlayStation-Blu-ray-Disc-Remote/dp/B000M17AVO]Amazon.com: Sony PlayStation 3 Blu-ray Disc Remote: Video Games[/ame] The system has bluetooth, but has no IR receiver, so Harmony remotes will probably not work. I heard there are USB IR receivers you can add FWIW. As a media center, you can basically stream media content (music, pictures, videos) through your network to the PS3. Last I heard, I think DivX support was coming to the PS3, not sure where it stands now...
  6. Which designs have you had issues with? I have a medium/circular head and they have a good amount of clamp pressure. The leather headband is adjustable on the sides and the earcups are on hinges, so I don't think you would have an issue...
  7. You might like the DT531's. It has good PRaT and punch and has a slightly forward midrange. I don't know about finding a pair though. I think dc was selling one?
  8. After a little more listening, I feel these cans have a similar sound to the KSC-75's in that it has nice dynamics with an upfront sound. However, they are clearly a notch or two above the Koss. Comparing them to the KSC-75's, the treble is more detailed without any shrillness, the bass is improved both in quantity and quality, and the soundstage is slightly larger (although not quite on level with a HD580/600). Looks like I have the perfect laptop/work can...
  9. Here are some quick pix (links cause they are semi-huge): http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v634/richi3zz/IMG_5591.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v634/richi3zz/IMG_5589.jpg To be honest, I'm not sure what I would compare them to. I do know that I would not compare them to the other AT cans I've heard (A500/A900). I did not like either of those as I thought they had a lifeless midrange. That doesn't seem to be the case here. I will get back to you as I listen some more.
  10. I just got these in today after I got a good deal on eBay. I'm really surprised by how good these sound. It was hard to find information on these, but it seems they were released a few years ago (in 2003/2004). This is the japanese info page: http://www.audio-technica.co.jp/products/hp/pc/atc-ha4usb.html I was just wondering if anyone else had come across these in their audio journey? If I can make the NE mini-meet, I'd be happy to bring em along.
  11. I might be able to attend. Depends on the date/time.
  12. Non-user replaceable battery is a killer for me. Hard drive seems to be a 4200rpm drive too...
  13. I work in Waltham and I'm stranded here. I was out there trying to get on the highway for like 6 hours and got fed up. This is by far the worst traffic/weather I've seen.
  14. Wow, they have one down at Fanueil Hall in Boston. I gotta get me some cream puffs now.
  15. I owned for a while using a 0404 as transport with a PPX3-6CG7 behind it. It's a definite improvement over the sound card if that's what you want to know. I'd describe the sound as detailed and somewhat laid-back (compared to an Entech unit anyways).
  16. Do they have that in low-fat? I'm trying to watch my weight.
  17. I am somewhat new to the whole balancing thing. Could someone give a technical explanation on how balancing a headphone improves the sound?
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