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Everything posted by GoRedwings19

  1. But it was working fine the last time I used it. This is of course with UK power supply. But yes i would get it repaired for him, no doubt. I hope senny doesn;t get to silly and charge me ridulous prices. Although I think the repair time is something silly like 6 weeks.
  2. Well I sold the he60+hev70. Now when I had it the hev70 worked fine not a problem. By the way it was for 220v 50 hz. The buyer was in the US. So I told him a stepdown transformer would suffice. Now I know US uses 110v 60hz. He now says the hev70 doesn;t power up at all. Could it be the step down transformer? He said he tried the US senn hev70 power supply on it and it still would not power up. I really want to rectify this for him. I have offered a refund as I don;t see what else I can do. But he refuses.
  3. I was wondering if an amp designer/builder can explain why so many people have problems running the hev70. Most of the are imported from the EU and it seems to be all sorts of problems yet they work fine in the EU. Is there any possible explaination for it?
  4. Hi Dude, I have never heard the phones you like so I didn;t know what category they would go into. Hope I did not offend. So you still don't like the fuzzy?
  5. There's currently one which is amongst the top podcasts about a naughty teen and what she gets up to. Well I read it in the local paper. She remains anonymous.
  6. Here try this for enlightenment....
  7. Universal fixer. As they say in Liverpool...sound as a pound.
  8. try the universal fixer. Guaranteed to fix 99% of all known problems.... BTW I thought it was you lot that was suppose to help me as I am a PC noob?
  9. why would anyone do that? Free T+A and your still complaining? It's like going into a strip joint and making them wear duffle coats....
  10. Just let it happen my friend, just let it happen....
  11. I am suprised that the Rs-1 scales this high. I know the 650's scale well with balanced amps aminly SS's. But does balancing the Rs-1 sacrifice it's warmth? Funny you mention the Qualia as you are the second person who has metioned that the increments in performance are small when ran in a balanced configuration. Maybe it is not as scalable as the 650?
  12. You could do a doobooloo.....
  13. Well if he has time then maybe he can post as I think most people would find it helpful.
  14. I suggest using the universal fixer. A few quick slaps and Bob's your uncle and fanny's your auntie.
  15. Without the likes of bose and portable audio market (mainly apple ipod) Iem's and semi portable phones have had an upsurge in interest. Think without this kind of publicity how dire this sector of the market would be.
  16. So does the base model Es-1 start at 4k? How would I know what kind of options I wanted? you hear about these solen stages and all this kind of stuff etc but I don;t have a clue what they do. Can someone draw up a list of options and what they do? I am not interested in technical aspects of the amp I just want to know I pick the right goodies for my preferences and taste's.
  17. cd44hi>Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  18. It says I do not have permissions to view it? Has it been deleted?
  19. ipod and I am getting a second set of Iearbuds as they rock so much I don't ever want to be without a spare pair
  20. You can tuberoll it. I heard the headphone section is quite good considering what you are paying. Elnero had one and had an indepth review of it. Also I think Tyrion had one as well
  21. Dudes, I stuck the drive rails the wrong way round on my cd drives and they wouldn;t go in. It pushed my buttons so much I started to kick it... It gazumped me for a week. Now obviously if we had a computer section then that would be different, it would be like "Mikey your such a meatstick, you stuck them on the wrong way duh!" and I would of been fine!
  22. From the replies it seems that the hev90 would be more my cup of tea. I don;t need outright transparency and resoulution although the Es-1 being able to tube roll with the varying sockets also sounds intriguing.
  23. I have read a lot of good things about the Es-1, aristaeus and of course the hev90. All 3 are obtainable and in the case of the hev90 if you know where to ask. But I wonder what are the differences between the three? I currently use a 007t to drive my electrostat headphone and am looking for something which improves on it. I am looking for something which tightens up the bass over the 007t and if possible goes lower. Also I find the 007t and phone has a kind of even tonal balance. I prefer things a little on the warmer side. Also I hear this metallic ringing or sheen to notes. This is distracting to say the least. So any amp which does not have any of these flaws is worthwhile checking out.
  24. heh he said nailed...
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