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Everything posted by Sechtdamon

  1. Thank you sir. A lot of people being happy for what i'm doing for street animals, makes me love this forum more.
  2. Yes my good sir, and we serve hot water more frequently in winter too! After they eat, some of them come to my lap and start to purr. That's something you can't buy with money. I pay less than yoga course per month and certainly get more relaxed.
  3. Thank you my good sir. We're doing our best. We fed them with proper cat food. And their water get refreshed per 6 hours. and they pay us with purrs. Thank you sir. Well i'll try all filling suggestions, and let them decide
  4. I never thought that way, but completely true. Thank you my good sir.
  5. Actually sir, sorry i forgot to add, we bought carpet for internal Thank you for suggestion. But ground is dirt, so we have to find stands which withstand against dirt. We are using pavingstone for now. I'm really happy cuz they already started to use it
  6. I did something really good today. Actually me and my father. We have been feeding 20-25 street cats for 2 years. And for winter is coming we started to build a shelter for street cats. It has 10 room. We'll add more room/shelter later. Here are some pictures: If you have any suggestions for improvement, i gladly listen them. It is beneath the bubble wrap, which we are going to use for isolation. And we'll add fences around it so nothing can bother cats while they are sleeping/eating. And we'll add a roof made from rigid plastic for rain. Btw it is still useable as it is. Cats crawl under bubble wrap. I'll post finished pictures too.
  7. how the heck can a 1,5-3 micron thick diaphragm with nearly 0 mass moving 0,25 mm back and forward can make mechanical vibrations which effect housing or pass through headband and cause crosstalk? And when you hold the earcups with your hands, what do you do about blood pulses? You stop your heart? I don't really know what sorbothane is. Does it have psychedelic effects?
  8. Noone mentioned them but if he/she can go up to 120 Dollars, i recommend rockit sounds r-50. They were pretty good for their prices back then, and still they are for me. Add 5 dollars for mic. There are so many good rewievs about r-50 too, if you want to check. And hifiman r-00 on massdrop for 35 dollars if i remember the price correctly. They are pretty good too.
  9. Theodore Millon et. al. - Personality Disorders in Modern Life 2nd Edition While reading the "Narcissistic Personality Disorder" chapter, most of the and defense mechanisms and rationalization ways of some hi-fi firms (Sennheiser with He-1, MSB, Hifiman) acually point that disorder. They want to be respected, loved for what they have done. And actually some of the buyers of mentioned products, most probably, can be diagnosed with this disorder either.
  10. Nice to meet you sir. :) Your nickname sounds like "asperger" did you do that on purpose?
  11. You made a good point. Actually the points you made are all good. I went too far, yea. And yes i made jokes that cannot been made to people who i don't know. That's just weird. Some people (who i know irl) think I'm weird. They're right actually. Sometimes i don't know where to stop, or shut up. Or i can't see in person's eyes that they're bored. And i'm childish, i don't understand what I've done till somebody scold me. Those things just show i'm weird. Me being weird in street language has another name in psychology: "asperger syndrome" So i communicate people easier on internet. Or at least I thought that way. Anyway, sorry.
  12. Please don't take this as being smart ass sir but, I'm used to be discriminated. I added my apologise already but, is a threat good way to solve misunderstandings?
  13. Okey, lets try to solve this, cuz apperently it became a crysis. First: You mocked me and i played along. Then you judge my personality, positively or negatively. When i did the same thing, you couldn't keep your cool. A - If you think someone would hit on you over internet, then you are too cocky. B - If you don't think it is funny at least as funny as the time you mocked me, then you are not open minded about jokes, at least as you think. Second: About being gay, positive discrimination, and other things.. A - I don't care what/who you are, I don't judge people by their sexual preferences. But it was a joke, clearly. B - I don't like and i don't support positive discrimination (special treatment etc.) C - If a phenomenon or incident cannot be used as joke material, then it's not a real thing. After all, what can be more serious in a life which death exist. I can't force people to like me or laugh at my jokes, I'm who I'm regardless of other's opinion. And i forgot but I'm sorry if i offend anyone in any way. What we learnt today: "don't judge one's character over a post." Btw, I made this today: Known as "Noah's Soup" i suppose.
  14. Too soon?
  15. Did you like what you see in my profile picture? If yes, i can break the rule once i guess. My skype id is in my profile... Btw are you hairy?
  16. Yea, but i like it better. I know it looks like a "gay pride" thing (the shape and the colors) but I'm not gay. Really, I'm not... I love pussies; cats and other thing... @swt61 Thanks my good sir!
  17. They are called K'nex my good sir. And yes, i finished my homework before posting ofc, My mother doesn't let me play with my computer before homework.
  18. I made this today along with many things:
  19. It was a really good reading, thanks. P.S. I'm sure there is, all you have to find is google words for it.
  20. Marquis de Sade - Tanrıya Karşı Söylev (I dont know book's original name or in English, Maybe "Speech Against God"), Collection of his notes. It's the only book which does not include eroticism I guess.
  21. Was he Miceblue? I wonder if @spritzer will buy one cuz of curiosity. like he did with liquid shit.
  22. Buying All other KG Amplifiers and not giving any of them to my friends, and buying this... I'm so confused... People went nuts, I'm most certainly sure, it's not about sound, it's about false prestige... First HEV 1, Then MSB, Then this... I've never listened any of them but i'm pretty sure its not about how they sound. BTW, Granite chasis doesnt cost as much as Sennheiser charges. Btw if its as heavy as it looks, shipping will be an issue... But for those who buy that, shipping won't be an issue... And is its socket 5 pin pro?
  23. I love the smell of sarcasm.
  24. I'm going a bit off topic but, Guys have you ever seen this? A diamond from King Sound: https://www.moon-audio.com/king-sound-m-03-electrostatic-portable-headphone-amplifier.html Rudi from head-fi posted a photo of it with sr-009. I laughed hard when i saw the photo... Is it tragic or funny, or both?
  25. Albert Camus - The Rebel, by day Proudhon - The Philosophy of Poverty and Marx - The Poverty of Philosophy, by night The Philosophy of Poverty is especially good for exploring different ideologies by their ideologists, cuz Proudhon mentions their names and quotations a lot. Also while Marx tries to be more systematic, he fails alot, imho. Proudhon proves that he is trully an idealist. And Proudhon's ideas are more useful for today's world. Especially for countries like Turkey.
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