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Everything posted by zippy2001

  1. Naaman, Have a safe journey and best of luck.
  2. Looks like a nice amp, I wish i was DIYer. One day Good Luck with the project.
  3. Happy birthday!
  4. [url=http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41potHDGc3L._SS500_.jpg]
  5. Have a Super Fantastic Birthday Nate!
  6. AAAAAAGGGGHHHHH, my wallet just ran screaming out the door!
  7. So True Ken. Where would I be without all of my virtual friends on the internet ) Would that mean that I would have to leave the house and find real live friends?
  8. All of you enablers out there! I must stay away from Head-Case! I must stay away from Head-Case!
  9. I'm going to keep Craig's prototype TA as long as possible, it's definitely a step up from the Bugle. I don't see a Whest or ModWright in my near future. And don't tell me your selling yours!
  10. I've replaced the batteries on old iPods, but haven't done it on the iTouch. I know you can take it to places like Batteries Plus and they can also replace the battery for a small charge.
  11. I bought Tom Hankins VPI 16.5, so I can have some nice clean vinyl What have you gotten me into David? It's like the neverending story!
  12. Thanks Pete, I feel more like a member of the Empty Wallet Club ;-)
  13. Thanks. The guy that I bought the cart from also built his own turntable! [ATTACH=CONFIG]2730[/ATTACH]
  14. ZYX Yatra and Tom's VPI 16.5 I think I am set on the analog front ) For now
  15. Happy Birthday Naaman! I hope you have a Super Fantastic Day!
  16. Stretch, that is a pretty amazing looking table. I'm glad that it sounds as good as it looks!
  17. As soon as I get your old cleaner, you'll have to teach me how to use it.
  19. Happy Birthday Dan! I hope you have a most excellent day!
  20. Happy Birthday Steve!
  21. Thank you for your pearls of wisdom, I'll take heed of your warning. I hope your move went well.
  22. Has anyone ever used GruvGlide? I was looking at products to clean my records by hand, but also if it can help reduce the static electricity build up in my dry house, that would be great also.
  23. How does the ZYX Bloom compare to the Denon DL-S1?
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