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Everything posted by zippy2001

  1. Great article Ryan. I love InnerFidelity.com, that is my favorite headphone site, next to Head-Case of course. I am biased, but I love the BA.
  2. For all you Canon S90 owners out there. I just bought this cameraleather.com - Canon S90 Griptac kit I just put it on my camera today and it works great.
  3. It's mainly my wife and daughter that go crazy with the photos. I took quite a few, but I'm still learning how to use this camera, so there are quite a few bad photos. And lots of pix of the same thing.
  4. Indeed, a few years ago... or should I say a few decades ago...
  5. Here's a few more interesting shots from Washington DC
  6. Here are a few photos from my Washington DC trip. Between myself, wife, daughter and son, I've had over 7,000 photos to sort through
  7. Capitol had a big release party at the tower today. This big pig was there... And this old guy... Nick Mason
  8. Happy XXX Birthday !!!
  9. The entire Pink Floyd catalog has been remastered and repackaged. Who's going to purchase Dark Side of the Moon again? Why Pink Floyd...?
  10. Happy Belated Birthday Ari
  11. I bought the Sony A33 and was pleasantly surprised by the amount of inexpensive and very good Minolta lens available. I'm not an expert in either, but Adobe Photoshop is for creating / updating images, while Lightroom is aimed at photographers to organize, touch up and share their photos. I downloaded the trial of Lightroom and liked it, but am using Aperture on my MacBook Pro at home. I'm sure others can chime in and give you more details on photoshop / lightroom.
  12. Here's a photo I took on my Washington DC trip. I picked up a Minolta 28 - 135mm F4-4.5 lens which is heavy, but works very well. ">
  13. Happy Birthday Nerdling!
  14. Beautiful wood work, nice job Steve. Congrats Al, you have a wonderful wife and some very nice friends here.
  15. I will definitely be there to pick up some great vinyl. Last year I missed the John Lennon singles and had to find it on ebay But will be there when the store opens to get some great picture discs and RSD limited releases.
  16. I may go with this option and just bring what I need each day, depending on where we're going.
  17. Even if I sold all my lenses I still don't think I could afford one good lens. Now I just hope the government doesn't shutdown!
  18. Thanks, I think that is good advice. I thought I may need the longer zoom lenses to get a good shot of the whitehouse or the top of the capitol.
  19. Okay it is official, you are the "Human Boulder"
  20. Happy, Happy Birthday Duggeh!
  21. Okay my photographic friends, I have a family trip coming up for spring break to Washington DC. I just bought the Sony A33 and starting buying some lenses, here's a list of what I have. Sony 18-55 F/3.5-5.6 kit lens Sigma 10-20 F/4-5.6 Minolta AF 50 F1.7 Minolta AF 100-200 F4.5 Minolta AF 70-210 F4.5-5.6 Which ones should I bring to DC? Mostly to take pictures of all the monuments / sites / museums.
  22. I would second the JH13, but for 3 figures, the Ultimate Ears In-Ear Reference Monitors may be the most neutral and revealing. I haven't heard the In-Ear Reference monitors myself, but the engineers in the studios love them.
  23. Happy Birthdays to Al and Gary, I hope that both of you had great days!
  24. Happy Birthday Al, I hope you had a Super Fantastic Day!!!
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