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High Rollers
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Everything posted by zippy2001

  1. They've already gone there Monster Cable Is A Bully
  2. Nate, Beautiful work, you should release your own HC-1 or NM-1
  3. I love my HF-2, they are the perfect partners to the AT sound of my AD2000 and W5000. They have great bass and midrange. And really rock with Dire Straits and Genesis. And I love the way they look, just like baby PS1000s.
  4. I will have to find some old jazz albums, hmmm any Blue Note titles come to mind? I'm sure I'll find some good examples to experiment with. I'll report back after further listening.
  5. The DA11 goes from narrow -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 wide on both left and right I'm trying out the DA11 now and with normal recordings, the extreme wide +2 setting just seems to make the recordings sound distant. The +1 setting is more tolerable. I think I need to find some good recordings that would benefit from this sort of treatment. And with the -3 -2 -1 it does truly make the sound image shrink in more towards the middle. It does work very well, but I'm not sure how much I would actually use this feature. It really is an interesting DAC, so far it sounds quite good with the listening that I've done so far. As a headphone amp, it is okay but not great. I am still experimenting with connecting it with my computer. So far I'm very happy with this unit.
  6. The raffles were awesome, on Saturday I did win the Coldplay - Rush of Blood to the Head, which I gave to JP. And then I won the Freddie Redd - Shades of Redd which sounds great. Saturday was Cetoole's turn, Sunday was my turn. I started with the Crossroads Quattro iem and Go Vibe Martini amp, then an ipod dock, some UE4 pros, an ALO interconnect and finally the Lavry DA11. Now that was a good day
  7. The highlight for me was the great Head-Case shirt Okay, it was great to hang out with everyone, listen to some great systems and win a few prizes.
  8. zippy2001

    CanJam 2009

    Claremont is a long way from LAX, I'm sure we can find some good eatz a bit closer
  9. zippy2001

    CanJam 2009

    I'll be there friday afternoon and looking forward to meeting everyone
  10. zippy2001

    CanJam 2009

    With all of this talk of food, Phillipe, Roscoe's, it's making me hungry... Count me in ;-)
  11. Justin, that pico slim is just awesome. I love my pico, perfect with my laptop or imod. But the pico slim is just so damn sexy, i don't need it, but i want it anyway.
  12. Have a Super Fantastic Birthday!!!
  13. I look forward to meeting all of my virtual friends from the internet. I do want to listen to Blubliss's rig, BHSE, what ever Eddie Current brings, Frank Cooters creation, and the list goes on and on. That's my problem with these meets, too many toys, not enough time to listen to everything. I'm sure Steve Hoffman and Joe Harley's lecture will be great.
  14. Happy Birthday Purk!
  15. Ken, I am very sorry to hear about your loss. Another toast to Lt. Col Mueller!
  16. I look forward to listening to your DAC at CanJam.
  17. Happy, Happy Birthday!
  18. zippy2001

    CanJam 2009

    Although a Rodney King Riot tour could be arranged and is not that far from LAX.
  19. zippy2001

    CanJam 2009

    I will try and be there to help out how ever I can
  20. Damn you guys are good, now I know who to ask when my PC acts up. Especially since our company helpdesk is useless.
  21. It's always a gamble with each release, most of them do not make any money. And new artists normally have crappy contracts, so if they do sell well, they are supporting the other releases that lose money. So you are right that lots of artists get screwed. Once an artist is established, they renegotiate their contracts and can make huge profits. The Beatles take home the majority of their record sales. The Beatles contract is so lucrative that when Steve Hoffman tried to license the Beatles catalog it was so cost prohibitive that he would be losing money on each sale.
  22. Will 30 cents make people turn to piracy? I don't think it will, especially if they are only buying one track instead of an entire album. And if they are willing to turn to piracy they are probably already doing so. Hopefully this pricing model will help improve the profit margin and get the artist royalties paid and also increase sales of slow / non moving music that may otherwise get forgotten about.
  23. As far as I know, Apple is getting different pricing than Amazon.com, they are paying less than Amazon.com. The record companies do favor Amazon because they are easier to work with. Apple has been using their marketshare to leverage better pricing and doing things their way. If all tracks are priced the same, the record companies can not influence buying by putting things on sale. With the premium prices for popular tracks, this may entice the Beatles to release their catalog digitally.
  24. Have a Super Fantastic Birthday!!!
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