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Everything posted by 4tray

  1. I honestly think the Sony XB90EX are the best IEM out there under $100 new - obviously these aren't what you should get if you don't love bass, but I'm really honestly happy with the rest of the spectrum on these, they're not just good at bass and bad at everything else I'm able to go between them and Stax happily, if that's helpful to any of you... headphones with bad or muddy mids or highs I just simply won't tolerate, electrostatic or not.
  2. My friend and I are almost finished building my soon-to-be KGSSHV I can't decide whether I want to buy some 007 or 009's in anticipation. I sold my last working set of Lambdas to a frenchman. Damned downsizing, grr....
  3. I would buy a model using the Lambda driver with a new shell in a second. I got rid of my Lambda Spirits because the midrange strangeness and sibilance were too much for me. I'm too sensitive to high frequencies and it drove me crazy. More detailed than my SR-X MKIII though for sure. I miss them for that. Going to get started on my KGSSHV boards sometime when I can find the time...
  4. People on Head-Fi are really fucking stupid then. And that is the last time i'll ever believe a word I read on that forum from the so called experts there.
  5. Wow, ok, it's true. I assumed because the SR-X had the thick aluminum base the pad sits on it wouldn't really make a difference what pad I used, but it certainly does. I heard Stax used to sell cloth pads so I thought it would be okay.
  6. Wow, I'm glad to hear that. I'm getting rid of this P.O.S. connector ASAP then. I'm implying from what you're saying that the firmness of leather pads works as part of the enclosure? I do have Audiocubes pads for the SR-X as well but they seemed to me just the same as the velour ones I sourced except obviously being flat and leather instead of cushy. I will apply the official Audiocubes pads, do some A/B testing and take back my earlier claim . Now, velour on something like 007/009/Lambda, that just sounds completely stupid. They aren't on-ear like the SR-X though.
  7. Every single picture of the Stax SRD-7 I can find online has the little bix you clip speaker wires into cut off. I can't find a single picture of the connector box I am having issues with still attached to the device. It seems everyone who owns one has cut it off? I really don't want to because this is an unharmed, original Stax product. But god damn that connector terminal is a pain in the ASS! even if i don't move it a wire falls out occasionally... i touch it to try and put it back in and the rest fall out! horrible! It's this miserable bugger... P.S. velour pads on Stax rule!
  8. This is a ridiculous post i know. But after lots of electrostatic listenening I can't stand to hear normal speakers anymore. They're too boring and I need to take a break. Somehow this doesn't happen with the SR-X MKIII. I just really enjoy listening to them. I put velour pads on my SR-X MKIII and I can happily listen to them all day long now. I just wish I could find a way to make my speaker cables sit in the shitty SRD-7 wire terminal easier. A speaker wire falls out on occasion. I'm absolutely not going to be one of those people who chops off the cable receptacle... Anyone who has a SRD-7/SB they don't want should let me know, It would be nice to have one without a power cord Hands down I'll take a SR-X MK III and SRD-7 over any other Stax I've heard to date... Edit: Finally worked up the courage to wash off the headband with a damp cloth with shampoo and another damp cloth to wipe away leftover soap. Yeesh, glad I did. These headphones really showed their age on that paper towel
  9. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fiM7Oaub5M
  10. I actually got linux audio working on my ASUS RT-AC68U router and had a USB audio device connected to one of the ports. It played media files via ncmpcpp and was fine except I wasn't entirely happy with the audio interface I had paired with it. For a while for better quality I had it pumping audio out thru a TOSLINK which I had into a EMU 1616 running standalone... There was nothing wrong with the router based setup but I ditched it because I mess with my router a lot and liked to have music that worked even when I took my network down. anyway, now I just have a Intel NUC. I have a 2TB hard drive inside of it with my whole music library and it runs windows with foobar2000. it's tiny, consumes barely any power, and runs windows so i can do other things on it too, although I have it next to my TV so it can stream music to my stereo as well as provide my TV content with the Kodi media player.
  11. Thanks for the reassurance... when I finally get around to buying some double sided tape I'll get the job done. I didn't realize there's a SRD-7 that is powered by the audio signal. I'd love to have one of those!
  12. I actually have two pairs of replacement pads ready to go in case I mess one up I'm just worried I'll damage the headphones while trying to remove the old pads. I couldn't care less about how the old pads look when I'm done with them.
  13. No worries and thanks for the heads up. However, if I end up grabbing one I already have all my replacement caps picked out and ready to order Now I just need to find some dual sided tape and work up the balls to rip off the original SR-X pads.
  14. Terrordrome Vol 5 Darkside from Hell E40 The Element of Surprise Humanoid Your Body Robotic Ameega The Golden Ages Too Short Gettin It
  15. aw shucks, I just thought we were debating philosophy!
  16. salutations dear friend i had not noticed this topic or i would have posted sooner. a good note on spiritual experiences, although your post is missing a few key verbs to maintain proper structure of a sentence, that said i will assume you meant one can't expect their serenity to be contingent on anything in this world due to impermanence, yet if you determine the value of your spiritual experience by what you gain from it, wouldn't that cut a hole in your argument as both the value and experience are even further abstracted from reality or permanence as they are a product of subjective analysis, thus the journey is nothing but the appraisal of the overall experience... thus we find ourselves stuck between an endless loop of sorting every experience to sort them neatly into 2 bins...
  17. Thanks for the inputs guys. I had no idea the woo wee was capable of causing damage. glad i didn't buy one. Of course I found out about the woo wee by reading head-fi's stax thread. i don't go there anymore since i found this site... that's why i mentioned it here, i knew i would get an honest opinion. I'm not sure what my logic was there. I guess it was I liked the sound of the SRD7 with that power amp, so i figured maybe I should stick with separate amp and energizer. I should just get a SRM1 MK2 though. Thinking more about it, it seems pointless to require a power amp if I am spending that kind of money regardless. It looks like I might be getting rid of my 323S for a SRM1 then.
  18. is there any chance anyone here has a woo wee and a referential power amp? i liked using my crown d-75a with my SRD-7 and SR-X MK3 a lot honestly, more than any other am i used it with. my friend who introduced me on to stax wanted to hear my lambdas and my 323S so i brought them over and we tried out our setups, but i preferred the sound of his SRM-1 MKII more than my 323S with my own headphones so i'm leaning towards just selling the 323S and getting a woo wee. the charge to get one normal bias output instead of 2x pro bias is an extra $80, but i hear good things about the woo wee and would be nice to have a solution like the woo wee for the environment i use my staxes in. i was getting excited about building a normal bias circuit for the 323s but now that i know i like the srm-1 better i'm not so tempted to do that mod now...!
  19. Thanks a bunch, i'll get looking and get a couple. lack of normal bias jack is the one thing that kept me from wanting to get the 323, adding a normal bias jack to it would be wonderful I'm still lookin for a good way to chill out the harsh sibilance on the treble on some songs but probably will just EQ my source. Edit: the 323 should get fairly warm after about an hour of use right? just making sure it isn't a 100v labeled as 117v
  20. thanks a ton! i assume i will need to sacrifice a normal bias amp to get the plug i need then, huh?
  21. This i am much more inclined to do. I repair CRT's often, high voltage does not scare me. i did not realize changing bias means changing drivers. in that case these SR-X will continue to remain stock. i did not want to mod them at all but thinking about it more i can't see any other way a bias conversion would work. Is there a circuit people like to use for giving a pro-bias only amp like the 323 a normal bias output? this i would really love to have. i could hack something together if not but if it's been done then guidance can't hurt
  22. Is there any point in modding a SR-X MK3 to accept pro bias? I have a feeling maybe i should just get rid of my SRM-323S and get something that can drive normal bias'd Staxen too. I enjoy my whole current setup but a lot of times I think I need to get an EQ in my setup because all the treble is so piercing I am curious if it might just be my 323S. Man, I want some 007 or 009's, but I don't want to pay over $1k to offset all that harshness.
  23. I want to keep my SR-X MK3 stock as possible (i will be replacing the pads obviously) but I can't figure out how to remove the headband at all. really dont want to damage these headphones, just want to get the headband clean. someone who wore these had gross hair.
  24. I won some sr-x mark 3 with a old version srd7 on ebay. The pads are disgusting and rotting. I will not spend 60$ on new pads though, I see they are 84mm according to audiocube so I ordered a set of 80mms and a set of 90mms from China $12 total. These headphones look like they've been sitting around for ages so any tips for getting it back in action? Also the headband is super dirty, really gross. How can I get it off to wash it. It smells bad and looks greasy.
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