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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. will this be at the nyc meet?
  2. DUDE!!! GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE!! HEAD-CASERS!!! ALL D WAY ok, welcome! Just pulling your chain As you notice the atmosphere here is pretty lax
  3. Hey, I loggedd into the pictorial galleries and had the intention of uploading a couple of shots of an old school RS1 that I had promised a while back. Well dummy me, could not figure out how to upload them. I couldn't find any type of "upload pics" option. Did I just missed or it is not a general option to upload pics? Thanks
  4. Man, that sucks! Get better soon.
  5. ah, thanks! I figured if anyone new that would be you Are you using silver for your balanced?
  6. Time for a guiness... What are your plans/destinations if any? In the good'ol days I'd heading down to Fells Point for a brew and some sight see'ing :he he:
  7. sooo what type of cable are you guys using for balancing the L3000?? I think I may go with a silver cable... btw, what's the stcok cable made of? I have my box stached away...
  8. Ah, and I forgot, I would like to try the ayt999 balanced senn cable as well. Hey where are those ICs?
  9. I have the Cardas, Mobius and equinox. The equinox is a middle ground betwen the other two. I would like to try the moon audio cables, since some prefer those to any of the ones I have. Are the moon audio senn cables still in production?
  10. Absolutely man! you need to confirm the findings with the amp. I could be a power related-issue and then work perfectly in UK. I'll keep my fingers crossed on this side.
  11. I am sure you would do whatever is in your power to help GoRed. I was not implying otherwise. I am sorry it apprears to not be functional now. I am also sure it is frustrating as hell since it is our of your hands and it is such a precious piece of gear.. I guess, I'd request the amp/headphones to be shipped back. Then you can test it yourself and if necessary send it to Senn in UK. It may actually be a lot faster that way.... best!
  12. I have that SS prototype. Whether this solid state amp will see the light as a product in the singlepower line, is anyone's guess. I think at this point Mikhail has his hands full with the current production models. It is my guess (but not a wild one at all) that trying to bring more items into production at this moment could be a big distraction. But this is just pure speculation on my part. I think he has other projects developing in the back burner, but again, it may just be a priority thing as to when things will hit the market... It is a nice, smooth sounding amplifier. I use it frequently in my work rig. It works wonderfully with the HF-1 by the way. It is not an extremely detailed amplifier, but it is very musical. Not fatiguing at all. During one meet at Hirsch's when we had the Headroom visit in the Maryland area, I had the opportunity to compare it to the "Destop with Reference module" amplifier. It faired very favorably with this amplifier. It was a matter of taste and preferences IMO. I did not have a chance to compare it to the bigger headroom amps. I think there may be pictures of that amp in that meet thread on the other forum.
  13. damn. That is a bummer GoRed. It will probably will need to be checked up by sennheiser, if the unit does not power up with the US-voltage adapter. He refuses a refund? Hum... On the other hand, if it needs repair, you would have it repaired either way wouldn't you? Either to keep it or to sell it again, right? Maybe?
  14. CD44hi

    Text Size

    good point. My eyes were getting sored. I thought it was from reading so many bitching posts, but now I realize that it probably was the size of the font on the bitching posts that was causing my eyes to be red. J/K,
  15. See Dusty...., told you so! n00b!
  16. You are such a n00b DC! bah! I think it is the Admins that can change the custom under the moniker...
  17. Hum.... then... << Look behind you! *WHACK* >> seriously though, I have not idea. Clean your cache, and try to log in again? good luck
  18. I guess it is quite possble your "audio tech friend" may be right. But it would be an expensive excercise to find out, wouldn't it? My main issue with vinyl is that it is a money pit. The only thing I am willing to buy new is cartridges reselling value is really low if one buys new stuff. On top, it is not as easy to buy turntables or arms online as they do tend to be fragile, and arm bearing that are so precisely machined can be stressed during shipping. So it is a catch 22, at least for me. he he. Also, regarding the old-school arms discussed on the post you quoted. I could play devil's advocate and claim that it is the same as with with other old classic gear: It has an aura of magic that portrais no frills, just better, over-designed approach, giving the best results. Unfortunately, I don't know enough about tonearms to be able to interpret what he is refering to. It is just plain over my head. Probably some others can contribute and provide opinions?...
  19. How about on the top left, besides your avatar, there is a link "show unread posts since last visit" that should be there, is there for me....
  20. CD44hi

    APC S15

    yep, I had seen that thread at head-fi. I personally would like to at least audition a unit in my system. I have no diy skills so there is little hope for making my own. Hydras can go reasonably sometimes on audiogon. Most things in audio are overpriced, I agree. I haven't tracked prices (used) for the UPC-200. I should look into that. thanks
  21. unread posts get an express pass to "post heaven" remember to leave out some cookies and milk for the old man in the red suit
  22. CD44hi

    APC S15

    Interesting... I have been thinking on a Hydra 4 0r 6. or a Running Springs Haley. I should add the UPC200 to the short list.... I also agree with you on the very disclaimer you made in the original reply. And that is that obviously every power conditioner's performance will ultimately depend on the "power niche" in ones listening area or living quarters... cheers and thanks.
  23. An option that you may (or may not be aware of) would take advantage of your R250. It is the "incognito" mods, which consists of rewiring directly from leads to the RCA outs. I think the kit costs $250. I also believe that the job is not that simple because of the fragility and ability required to solder the cartridge leads. Galen Carol does the installed kit for $279 I believe. I run an unmodified RB900 in my P25, and I am satisfied. If you read in the audio asylum, some claim that the incognito RB250 to be superior to even the RB1000. Although I do think that the bearings on the RB900/RB1000 are superior to those of the RB250/300/600 family. Disclaimer though! I have not dealt with this mods, or Galen Carol, (people in a'gon and AA seem to always have good things to say about him though) But I thought in mentioning this as it is a reasonably inexpensive approach given that you already have the RB250. I have no experience with the VPI arms, but others in this forum do. I am sure they will chime in
  24. CD44hi

    APC S15

    Eyeteeth, so what are you using in your system for power conditioning? thanks.
  25. -yes -yes -no, unfortunately, I believe.
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