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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. CD44hi


    yep, use them all the time with a nokia phone, a nokia tablet and an ipod. They work great IME.
  2. Ok, I think this is useful as an addendum, in case anyone is considering this camera: After having it for about 2 months, it is evident that the quality of the pics taken by this Ex-S10 is variable. It is able to dispense fast pics and also it is able to switch from pic mode to movie mode with only one button, this are really cool features to have. Specially with an infant. However, the quality is really erratic. From great sharp ones to others that basically look as if they were taken with a cheap webcam. I can't recommend this camera.
  3. Congrats, that's a serious machine! Looks pretty big
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Happy B-day!
  6. well, it seems extremely faster in my case as I don't use any other browser
  7. much faster indeed! I never seen a change this drastic since the times of mosaic
  8. It's been a while regarding this question. I went out and tested a bunch of options. I through out of the window the requirement for the AA batteries. It all came down to which camera power up fastest and allowed to take quick pics. I settled on a unit that came as a surprise, the Casio Exilim EX-S10. It had the best options, including allotment for fast sequential pics. The feeling of the unit itself is very solid and very compact. It has a cool video option that it is really instantaneous and allows to take pictures while filming (it pauses the video, takes the shot and goes back to video rec mode.) Really cool. As to reliability can't say because I've only had it for about a month.... THanks for the suggestions, they helped me get acquainted with the features etc..
  9. I can only imagine what Shadow has to say about this "tiny" fellow! Laser-pointer fest at Hirsch's.
  10. Damn, just what we needed, another HF newbie.... I'd say start with the phillips HP-1000, they are great band for the buck Welcome Wayne!
  11. This is really exciting to hear, given how much I miss my 010! Also, thanks for the pics and rest of the impressions and congrats on the IEMs.
  12. Thanks for the pics, comments and impressions. This was a great event. the LA crew did a great job, congrats! and get some deserved rest, if you can. There were quite a few items that are very promising and interesting, cannot wait to give them a listen.
  13. Quick question, could someone ask UE if they have spare UE1Xpro cables on hand at CanJam and get me one? (the larger version and it would be huge plus if it is the older thicker one) I will reimburse and also pay for the shipping expense to me and get you a beer!
  14. Great to hear. I am looking forward to give them a listen! Have fun with the rest of today!
  15. That is great to hear. I always found the bass on the PS1 to be obtrusive. (besides the weight of the headphone itself, uncomfortable) So on this note, how is the weight of the HF2? Does it get fatiguing after a while??
  16. priceless indeed! I am sure we can do the " does it float " test on Youtube for this one!
  17. CD44hi

    CanJam 2009

    If there is a pair of Qualia 010 around, could/would someone compare them to the HD800? It's only 8 o'clock there, so the partee is just starting....
  18. Thanks guys, I'll check on these!
  19. I am in need of recommendations for a P&S digital camera. It would be a bonus if it is a fast camera and on the smallish side. Budget under $350. Thanks!
  20. We got the basic Graco snugride base, car seat, and stroller. In terms of the stroller the is a million choices as well. One book we found useful in sorting through many items was "baby bargains" by Denise Fields (amazon has it). It is very detailed regarding ratings, reviews and best deals taking into account safety, user opinions, price, etc. Shopping for baby stuff sure is overwhelming.
  21. CD44hi


    okey dokey, I am in for 3 too.... THanks for the heads up!
  22. One issue I could never reconcile was the weight of the PS1. THe PS1000, in pics, seems even bulkier than the PS1. So how is the comfort aspect in that respect?
  23. I think the Northstar is a very good dac. The instrument placement, "headstage" etc, was very accurate. Another unit in that ballpark, but much more laidback, with good staying and imaging was the MF Trivista 21, however, it tended to be a bit rolled off on the highs (unlike the NSMkII) I have not heard the ECD-1, but when I compared that very same unit you currently have to a Burmester 006 (as a DAC) it held its own pretty well. BTW, I miss all that stuff!!!
  24. Cowboy Junkies--Trinity session (the original)
  25. That is my understanding as well. They are very well regarded.
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