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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. I had an older (late 90's) Onkyo 6-CD changer that had decent sound. Built like a tank. I have no experience with sony multi-CDs though...
  2. Wish I could be there. Have fun!
  3. CD44hi


  4. CD44hi


    I think he has the DAC1 (at least as of 2 yrs ago). I seem to remember you came over once when I had that source? Remember the CD2 a top loader and the D3 under on it, on the main rack...
  5. CD44hi


    Oh, I should mention I've never heard the Nova, so can't comment on any comparison between these
  6. CD44hi


    I owned the CD2/DAC3 for about 7 months and I found the strength to be in the tone, it was non-fatiguing or edgy at all. However, I never felt the urge to get up and jump with excitement as a good source should incite!
  7. Have a great one man! Happy B-day!
  8. Here are some migratory birds. Really impressive numbers, hard to translate in pics. Basically they glide they way into hot air pockets, they gain altitude (circling) and keep going until the next hot pocket, repeat, repeat... You see these "highways" of birds going for days... I guess if you are coming south once you get to Panama, there is not much room to maneuver. Spooky Halloween to everyone here! http://www.head-case.org/forums/
  9. Happy Birthday Hirsch!
  10. Happy B-day to both!
  11. Are we being bombarded by dumbfucks now?
  12. If the person you intend to call has skype on their computer, then it would be free. Otherwise, you'd have to buy calling credit to call a cell or landline from your iphone/touch w/skype. There is a google voice ap coming, but I have no experience with it on the mobile end. The skype one is good IME.
  13. CD44hi

    Top Gear

    good lord, the episode with the bmw x8 was epic. I can't believe people spend that much $$$ on that POS.
  14. you are correct, don't know what happened first. I can see it now.
  15. ON an second note, unless you quote, the video is not visible.
  16. Three comments, 1- This is an amazing pic. What a difference 10 yrs make in the meaning of your explanation. 2-If the Chilean miners were in the pic, they will still be about a 100 ft above these guys! 3-These guys have balls of steel, they are probably debating what's the appropriate light bulb....
  17. Have a good B-day!
  18. Sad news indeed. My thoughts are with Todd
  19. There was mention of some celebs being members on Head-Fi, not that I know who their screen names are/were. I remember one time or another, tuberoller will tout his cousin Shak, but he never revealed what his handle was. He also mentioned that he knew of a few more celebs that were active members. I remember there was a Fabio run of threads (hilarious, btw).
  20. Look forward to this. I've read the whole thing twice. The weird thing is that, for some strange reason, I felt compelled to start reading from the beginning again right after I finished for the second time. IT took some time for me to desist....
  21. CD44hi

    The Wire

  22. Man, I so wish they would allow international access to that.
  23. I hope they include the touch in that update. Mine has not been the same since iOS 4
  24. CD44hi

    The Wire

    Oh, man you are missing the "meat," really I am not kidding. I don't want to put out more spoilers, but tons of ethical issues and internal demons show up later...
  25. CD44hi

    The Wire

    But, what about Hamsterdam, man, Hamsterdam! I give Hamsterdam to thou, ponder thou shall
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