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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. hum, maybe i should jump in the pool with my touch... nah
  2. http://www.amazon.com/VIZIO-XVT373SV-37-Inch-Internet-Application/dp/B003GDFJTU/ref=sr_1_4?m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1306465471&sr=1-4 This one looks good.
  3. Thanks for the recommendation. One of the reviews said it isn't great for daylight viewing, that wouldn't be good in our case. Do plasma TVs (all?) suffer from this to some extent? How about LED-based ones? Any alternatives would be greatly appreciated! I am planning on ordering in a few days. Thanks
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. We are looking to get a 42-46 inch 1080p. Nothing fancy, best if under $750. I will most likely get it through Amazon. I saw recommendations for TVs in this range/specs in this thread around Oct-Nov of '10, but I think those are already not available. Could you guys recommend a few TVs? We are back in the US after 2 years, 4 months overseas!
  6. Happy b-day Purk!
  7. Happy b-day!
  8. Actually, having grown in a farm myself, it is nothing out of the ordinary. Of course the chicken made a ruckus since it was been killed.... Probably by either strangulation, neck twisting or beheading... The hanging upside down part, is to drain the blood... And wait, killing a chicken is nothing compared to what is involved in killing a pig or a cow... Nowadays we live so removed from how meat is actually obtained, processed etc, that it may seem "alien" to us...
  9. CD44hi

    Audeze LCD-2

    Indeed the W2002 have been implicated, some say the qualias and believe it or not, the etys also reverb, which really surprised me. The ergo2 has some traces as well.
  10. The more the merrier! Happy b-day again!
  11. Have a great b-day guys!
  12. Good luck with the job Jacob
  13. Hope you had a great b-day and speedy recovery!
  14. Nice! I have the x100e and I am sure you'll enjoy the 120e.
  15. Have a great day Nate! Happy birthday
  16. No, no, no, I do! Still marginally better than dial-up. You want third world, you got it! Here it is...
  17. Long time no see around here... howdy!
  18. Happy B-day! Hope you have a great one!
  19. Happy birthday Jeff!
  20. The mobile version looks great on the iPod touch.
  21. Steve Eddy on head-case? Oh boy... Head-asylum anyone?
  22. Happy B-day
  23. Bangraman used to wear qualias while riding the tube... Out of the portable source... no amp....IIRC
  24. Actually, the unit was built originally that way as the finished product. Sorry, I didn't explain it properly. Components were attached to the top panel and the bottom edges of the enclosure have feet to support the case.
  25. I almost got the DIY Buffalo 32S/headphone amp that came up on Audiogon yesterday. In fact I paid for it, however, had to cancel the transaction once I learned that the unit had no bottom panel! WTF. Wouldn't you disclose that little detail in the ad? The only reason I came to learn about it before it was shipped out to me was because I asked for a pic of the insides of the unit. I knew the seller from previous transactions and he has always been a straight-shooter, nice guy. He was really fast with the refund and it came off as a sincere omission, honestly. The interior had a very clean layout for sure. Unfortunately, an open bottom showing the guts, is not what you want for international shipping. A sure red flag, to have wires and transformers showing during inspection @ airports. Also, risk of damage is pretty high. Even though I am not familiar with the buffalo 32S configuration, I was really looking forward trying it. looked like a nice balanced headphone amp...
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