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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. Happy Birthday!
  2. do a search, this topic has been flushed before...
  3. CD44hi

    HBD JP11801!

    Happy Bday John!
  4. OK< My wife got one yesterday. No complaints regarding slowness in loading videos or websites as reported in some of the reviews. I haven't played any movies, I can understand why some would be ticked off by the carrousel displaying all the actions carried out on the device so prominently. No privacy. Also, the 1-click shopping is on all the time. My guess is that some further software updates would be required to address these issues. The kindle loaded books from our existing library. I also understand some are having issues with this. Display is pretty crisp. Ultimately the device feels solid and in my brief experience with it, (less than 15 min), it has potential.
  5. Good to hear that it was something simple.
  6. Happy Birthday man!
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. We got around 35 kids, mostly under 10, but a few teenagers. Way more than what I expected, almost run out of candy. Just as well, don't need extra candy laying around. My 2.5 year old first, Halloween for her. She had a blast. She started handing out candy at the end. At some point this cute little girl shows up, Soph gives her some candy, she stays there, Soph gives here a few more pieces, the girl still stays waiting for more. Then Soph gives her one more piece of candy and says: "Here, one more packet, and that is it" Hilarious! Perfect weather temp wise. No creepy kids though, luckily.
  9. Man, sorry to hear about all the power losses. Hopefully it'll come back soon. I sure as heck wasn't prepared for this. Not that we got any accumulation in Kensington, but still to see the white stuff coming down before Halloween is surreal. Not even when I lived in Worcester MA I saw this shit....
  10. What I find incredible is that you can still hold that bottle straight up, **and** shoot a pic after all that.....
  11. http://www.amazon.com/1Q84-Haruki-Murakami/dp/0307593312/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1319896895&sr=8-1 Indeed! Otherwise it would have been IQ 68...
  12. IQ84
  13. WOW!! Congrats Hirsch!!!
  14. Happy Birthday Hirsch!
  15. Got an account. Thanks!
  16. Happy b-day Vicky!
  17. in iTunes, did you click on "wilreless sync this iphone" option? I found that the wireless sync was generally slower compared to usb. Convenient, but slower IME.
  18. did they take the page down?
  19. Man that sucks big time!
  20. Finally successfully installed the OS5 in this very situation on an ipod touch. However in my case, for some reason, iTunes could not find my back up, so I have to manually install every app and music from scratch on the ipod. Luckily, the apps were on my iTunes library, so that ease things up. It would have been major suckage if I had had to download them again....
  21. I keep getting error 3200 while trying to get OS5 on the ipod touch. seems to be a server error....
  22. Happy belated b-day!
  23. CD44hi

    Grado PS500

    Funny! I very much like the HF2. It is a lively can.
  24. I accidentally cut the cable while doing yard work. Before I order a replacement one from UE, are there other alternatives? I have been out of the loop regarding customs. This despite the fact that it is the ear/headphone I use the most. Thanks!
  25. Flying Dog, ""Double Dog"" . .... If I keep it up, I won't feel a thing!
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