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High Rollers
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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. Congrats all around!
  2. Happy Birthday Todd, hope things are well with you! Have a great day
  3. Hope for a change of luck there. And good luck on the med school applications. I did 24 miles today and 35 yesterday. Finally logged some miles on the weekend besides my short commute to work during the week. Then took the girls to the pool.
  4. Good luck Jeff and welcome to DC!
  5. Happy Birthday! ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
  6. that is the conundrum....
  7. Good deal Peter, you are on a roll. You should buy a lotto ticket,
  8. Thanks. I figure I will keep an eye open on that forum
  9. Sorry, got the models a bit different. I actually like the '54 better.
  10. I've been thinking of a traditional chrono, like this one. Have you guys purchased from these type of forums? http://forums.watchuseek.com/f29/fs-longines-heritage-1954-a-704865.html New, advertized here: http://www.prestigetime.com/item/Longines/Heritage-1951/L2.745.4.53.4.html
  11. Congrats Peter! Yay!
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. those pics are out of a Stephen King book... stay safe and good wishes!
  14. Have a great B-day!
  15. Happy birthday!
  16. Hey Thrice! Welcome back!
  17. Happy father's day! I've been having a great one myself! Thanks!
  18. Went with the family on a bike ride. Mountain bikes for mom and pop and the girls in an InStep trailer, (for the first time). I think they liked it. I need to get them smaller profile helmets, specially on the back side. The helmets pushed towards their faces when they rested their heads on the back of the trailer. Must be irritating. I think I saw a cobra around beach drive as well.
  19. Happy birthday! Have a great one.
  20. Happy Birthday Al!
  21. Happy B-day!
  22. Sorry to hear about that Salty, Feel better soon. Congratulations on the anniversary Tom! Next one will be big!
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Have a great one!!
  25. Congratulations!! and Welcome Myles!
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