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High Rollers
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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. So, if the MSRP was $550, at $315 refurb, for a 2 year old computer, doesn't seem like a great deal. Unless, I got the wrong msrp.
  2. Light use, no gaming. WorK: Word, excel, SAS, SPSS, PP, light molecular modeling. Fun: Web, netflix, or youtube. I've found some reviews online. BUT as far as I can tell those were for a bit lower end units targeting highchool/college kids. I think this one has a bit faster processor and better videlo card (I think?). See the link below. (fixed) http://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/laptops/lenovo-thinkpad-x130e.aspx As far as I can tell with just a bit of poking around, there were at least three main versions of this machine, each with their subtle variations. X131e-AMD X131e-Intel and X131e-Chromebook. I am having a hard time getting the ball park MSRP of the AMD. EDIT: found at cnet http://www.cnet.com/products/lenovo-thinkpad-x131e-3372-11-6-e2-1800-windows-8-pro-64-bit-4-gb-ram-320-gb-hdd-series/
  3. Reviving an old thread... Seems that my X100e is approaching its end. I've been looking at a refurb X131e. Anyone has any experience with series machine? Here are the specs of the unit I am looking at: $315 ThinkPad X131e AMD Fusion E2-1800 1.70 GHz RAM 4 GB 320 GB 7200 rpm Gigabit EN 802.11( b ) (g)(n) Bluetooth 4.0 Camera 6 Cell ATI Mobility Radeon HD 7340 TFT Color LCD 11.6" 1366 x 768 Win 7 Pro 64-bit OS Installed Any recommendations below $400 are welcomed as well. Thanks
  4. I have a L&M(internal Usb-charge-based) that you can have Jeff. I am not using it .....
  5. I cannot believe FreshBikes, after all the stuff you've bought from them.... My mountain bike is in storage, otherwise, I'd join on the single track action.
  6. Happy b-day! .....
  7. Indeed glad to hear that the headcase biking team is rolling around the country. East coast only? Hawaii? .....
  8. That was a great ride. Get better soon Chris. You were kicking ass regardless. There is less of Jeff everytime I see him Let's do this again soon! .....
  9. This is the address of the park in Kensington. 4425 Garrett Park Rd Silver Spring, MD 20906 ..... .....
  10. Okay, 9:30? .....
  11. Sat or Sun works for me.
  12. Thought that too. .....
  13. that would be great if you can make it. Wouldn't you have to start driving at an ungodly early hour? .....
  14. Oh, man, that is terrible....
  15. That sound like a great plan. I had a blast today! Chris, that sounds great. Either Sat or Sun morning, start 9-10, is OK with me.
  16. Between 9-10? .....
  17. I am doing the Beach Dr loop in the morning if you feel like it. .....
  18. Great, 20 miles in great weather sounds goid. I remember that bridge! .....
  19. Max. 180
  20. I'd love to come down to the lake ride, but alas, this weekend is not good. Keeep me in the loop for future dates I did the usual Beach Dr. loop today. Nice weather.
  21. Happy Birthday Brent! .....
  22. Happy Birthday!
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. For on-the-bike locks, I have these two systems, both are heavy, but the chain is really, really heavy, definitely not something you want to carry around with you. More like you have it on your garage or locker for onsite use. The U-lock, is on the heavy side, but mounts on the bike fine. or you can carry it on the pannier. Just be aware that thieves are actually cutting bikes now, to sell the components, so if it is locked outside, no matter how good a lock, they can still cut the bike....bastards Abus U-lock (this one I got in '11, so it is pretty recent http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001U885MQ/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&psc=1 OnGuard chain(this one I got in '06, so I don't know if there is any chain-based ones that are a better approach now) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000FL3EAM/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Jeff, is this going to be locked outside or do you have a locker? For a bike locker I used this one: Abus Locker Padlock(This one I got in '11) One reviewer on amazon complains about the key being wimpy, I haven't had an issue, but I can see that if you go twisting hard over time it can crap out.... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009S5Y7FM/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  25. oh yeah!!! .....
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