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Everything posted by CD44hi

  1. RIP Karen, condolences Todd.
  2. CD44hi

    Get your game on!

    Thanks for all the recommendations. Appreciated the help. Cheers. I guess i am slow at taking a hint, eh?
  3. CD44hi

    Get your game on!

    I don’t do any type of gaming, but i am considering getting a gaming console for the girls. I know this is a slippery slope, akin to inviting a vampire into your home...but after visiting with friends which have an older XBOX I really liked the active-type games for kids. They had one that was soccer like in that required kicking the ball in the direction of squares to knock them down. Also something similar to tennis. After about 20 mins they were sweating buckets. SO, i went online to check out the consoles, and I am overwhelmed by the choices... Anyone here kind enough to to give me a TL;DR for a good choice? I don’t understand the differences between the current XBOX models... I am basically looking at a console that could do the interactive physical games for kids, with activities like kicking a virtual ball, dancing, jumping, etc. Much Obliged in advance!!
  4. Oh...I just saw him on”El Camino” Great in this as in anything else he did.
  5. Gogol on amazon prime. Dusty alert! Me things you’ll love this Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  6. Mojo is still good. Also a while back there was a firmware update that significantly improved the SQ of DSD playback on the Mojo/Poly.
  7. Green Frontier or Frontera verde. I have the language advantage here, yet there are a number of Amazonian ethnic groups with their language in play, and having to rely on subtitles in these instances. There isn’t much to be said here before having to go into spoilers. Cinematography is superb, excellent cast, great locations. There are issues, but overall enjoyed the trip. I use the word trip here perhaps with 3 meanings. Think Darren Aronofsky-ish style.
  8. Awesome Nate! Well done, congrats!!
  9. BBC Radio1’s rock show. Kicking some ass. Have to say their app is great and best of all, free!
  10. Right? And the casting also gets a huge A+ E Shue, A Starr, that plays Homelander, he was the lead in Banshee, good choice as well and K Urban. Really great cast. The attention to detail in the show is superb. For instance, homelander’s attention to his cape does not go unnoticed.The flag is not to touch the ground let alone be sat upon.
  11. Well, since swimming season is over, no more A/B meets and kids are up in camp, what does that mean? Cycling, movies and tv binge. Finished the above 8 episodes, holy F. This is dark and intense. can’t wait for more of this. Loved it
  12. “The boys” on amazon Think “nega” watchmen. On episode 2 and diggin’ it
  13. Dark, season 2. This is really a superb show! Highly recommended!
  14. I saw this when it came out a while ago and still remember it well. I liked the darkness and the “true detective”-like mood. But much darker and sometimes just down right odd. Specially that scene on the video above. : - )
  15. Indeed, I remember reading that for some episodes of “Airwolf” he was so drunk that they had to prop him in place and do the scenes.
  16. I have not heard those either, but I do agree regarding the Sony TA-ZH1ES. I find it pairs really well with the Audio Technica W1000Z. The W3000anv are in storage so I can post any thoughts on those. It also pairs well with the HD800S
  17. Russian Doll - had a hard time sticking with this show for the first 2 episodes, but boy, it turned out interesting by ep 3. It goes quick as episodes are short and only 8. Velvet Buzzsaw, affected but I enjoyed the trip nonetheless. Dark - Think German version of Stranger Things, but very much better in every aspect. The best show I've seen on Netflix so far. Starting with Season 3 of Expanse
  18. Happy birthday Ken! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. Boy, yeah that was totally unexpected as I understand. Listening and watching to professional cycling won’t be the same without Paul.
  20. Happy birthday! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. Condolences Wayne and Antonio, very sad and tragic.
  22. Have a great birthday! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. Happy birthday Chris! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  24. Agreed, that Balvenie 14 is one of the best drinks for the buck out there. Missing scotch, have not had a drink in four weeks. I guess they don’t want you loopie if you are learning to walk again?? Rococulous!
  25. Sorry to hear Brent : ( Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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