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Everything posted by MLA

  1. Package arrived!
  2. Payment sent. Thanks!
  3. +1. Many thanks!
  4. These exist. I built one, works fine. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F192504438683
  5. So, tried the youtube video songs on both 007 and 009 with both Carbon and GG, and I can't hear any sounds that do not seem to be meant to be part of the mix. There's however a ton of bass content in the first song and even more so in the following OG Heartthrob. It's not many songs that make me want to eq down the bass substantially on the 009's; these definitely do. Can't run youtube stuff through the spectrum analyzer in any simple way, but to me it sound like there's more going on in the lower freqs than what's healthy for home listening systems. Maybe mixed for clubs? I've turned it up as loud as I'm comfortable with, so can't help further I'm afraid. Steven Wilson's "To the bone" has a few massive bass tones during the intro. Would you mind having a listen and see if you hear the same type of distortion?
  6. It’s not about the loud volume in itself, it’s the process of getting to a loud master, by adding lots of gain, compression and limiting, that can cause audible distortion. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loudness_war Anyway, I’ll have a listen tonight to your link and report how my gear behaves...
  7. It’s the curse of high end gear; it’s actually capable of reproducing the recording in full. Less capable gear tend to be more ”forgiving” of poor recordings, since it does not resolve as well.
  8. It’s unlikely to be coupled to the gear, it’s more likely tied to how the music has been produced, i.e. mastered to compete in the ”loudness wars”. Archimago (among others) has a number of well written pieces on the subject (see links in post): http://archimago.blogspot.se/2018/04/musings-on-dysphonic-sounds-and-mobys.html?m=1
  9. Paid. Thanks!!!
  10. Megatron style +1
  11. Another board suggestion: the PSU board for the tube based ubal/bal board?
  12. +1 on the above. Have the LXminis and they really do disappear, and bass can be complemented with sub setup of choice. Stock config goes a long way though, depending on musical preferences.
  13. Interested!
  14. Interesting! So, (what at least looks like) the L700 drivers in a L300 housing, and at half the price of the L700 (on japanese sites)...
  15. Most likely none. There’s a small chance that some come with non-working drivers, so if you are unlucky and get a bad one, then just order another
  16. Only tried PC myself, but Mac options exist: http://www.belkin.com/us/p/P-F5U409/
  17. SMT only. Yep, the serial port is a challenge. There are USB-to-serial adapters on ebay for cheap though; I've used those successfully in the past.
  18. Nice! Have you been playing with the filters, or are they stock? Still got quite a few buffers left from the GB, so let me know if I should send some your way.
  19. Definitely interested.
  20. Nicely done! About accuracy: it may also be that you have hit the limits of your DMM:
  21. Someone else on the forum (can't remember who just now unfortunately) recommended these for female pins: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10pc-CMC-8P-Tube-Socket-Gold-plated-Pin-Hex-Snap-Hole-2x10mm-6V6-6L6-5AR4-6SN7-/130342224494?hash=item1e5900826e I've used them on multiple builds. They are tight so need a little pre-bending out before you put them in the connector, but work fine for me.
  22. KG posted this long ago in another thread: STAX jack Imagine the socket as a 6 pin with the 6th pin missing, but at position 0,0 (x,y) The rest of the pins are at 0,. 2175 -.2175, 0 +.2175, 0 -.1087, -.1883 +.1087, -.1883 (in inches)
  23. I think it depends on your preferred tonality balance. For me, the 009>>L700>>007mkII progression tilts the perception curve toward more bass and less treble. I think you're coming from the 507? If so, the 007mkII will likely sound most different from what you have now (but still great, I use those more than my 009's out of my Carbon).
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