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High Rollers
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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. wrestled with Springer-Verlag paper template and now smoking a cuban cigar.
  2. Um. Wtf.
  3. I prefer CT connections. No science, but they seem quietier and seem to run cooler. No idea why.
  4. and we're back. it worked! thanks!
  5. No. It works fine, just not gestures. I can try the PRAM reset. Hold.
  6. all my trackpad gestures aren't working, despite them all being turned on in system preferences->trackpad. Any ideas?
  7. Thats what I just said.
  8. Perhaps a peace offering to Cavalli from Spritzer?
  9. This is Larry's point.
  10. Can you make the dock transparent?
  11. Perhaps Apple will release a bumper to correct this problem as well.
  12. Great game I thought
  13. I bit the bullet on on a Ball (yup, couldn't avoid that one) today. I'll post pics in a couple days when it gets here.
  14. Reks, do you use Outlook? I assume not, but Outlook uses Spotlight and this causes all kinds of perf issues.
  15. Please post plankton retrieval and CE certification status.
  16. /me hides my ALO and Jenna labs collection
  17. So I talked to certification lab about getting certified a device that I just invented to perform frontal lobe lobotomies via high voltage differential outputs. I asked which of the certifications they offer that this would pass and it didnt seem to be an issue. Heh. I am going to try other labs to compare their responses.
  18. John, can you help me understand what CE means? This is what wikipedia says and leads me to think it doesnt really amount to anything special: " CE marking is a self-certification scheme. Retailers sometimes refer to products as "CE approved", but the mark does not actually signify approval. Certain categories of products require type-testing by an independent body to ensure conformity with relevant technical standards, but CE-marking in itself does not certify that this has been done."
  19. Yeah thats a determination better left to people like Amos and the HF mod team.
  20. Does administration of last rites count? http://www.biblicalvoices.com/
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