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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. I have returned a number of WD Red drives and the process has been very painless. However, I have returned a number of WD Red drives. That's what RAID is for I suppose.
  2. So far, HC Post of the Year!
  3. This is DIY. The other stuff is just kit building I tell people if you aren't constantly using ohms law when doing a DIY project, it's not DIY. Ok, I don't tell people that, but just told you guys here and now
  4. Likely there are some in Texas east of Winnepeg?
  5. At least someone agrees that a king would be a rational choice
  6. It always amazed me when it came down to final negotiating stages how little money would cause this to happen...
  7. Just use digital domain attenuation on the DAC.
  8. JimL: have you tried the bias multiplier version of the cascode current source?
  9. I would go with a king myself, mostly because I would sleep solo on the diagonal
  10. Depending on the part you are referring to and the exact resistor you are replacing, I can tell you this won't work.
  11. "Clapped"?
  12. No, you need an ohmmeter.
  13. Reminds me of Postjack's forum!
  14. No recommendations that use 3.5" drives here either.
  15. At least it isn't made out of balsa wood?
  16. Young Doctor's Notebook
  17. My source is Boveda's marketing literature, which says that they are the only people that do two-way. Have I mentioned that I am an audiophile? http://www.bovedainc.com/technology/ Edit: is theirs *patented*?
  18. I would look into Boveda packs, depending on how far from your RH you are and how much you want to spend (these two are related). Beads are only one-way humidity control, Boveda isn't. That's what I use for my cigars and it's fantastic. I use Oasis for my instruments.
  19. Which one is that again? If it was me that suggested that, then I know which one... It has to do with the (lack of) stability with a base-biased transistor (emitter current isn't temperature stable). It would be even better to use a different design that isn't so dependent on transistor parameters (I.e. Beta) (collector-feedback perhaps?) I think what happened with the original is that higher case temperatures than we see in the DIY version further inflated the gain of the transistor (this is a bit of a stretch, admittedly) which made the circuit work more consistently. I think the result would be more stability, but I guess I am the few people that sees this part of the circuit as not being robust - likely because I seem to have the most problems.
  20. I do fail at sarcasm, Shelly is right. I was being serious.
  21. Perhaps start with the Apple hardware and install Microsoft OS. Maybe she will get used to the idea
  22. Kerry, would it be possible to get ahold of your 9-pin pattern? Or hole diameters and outer circle radius and angles?
  23. Yeah, just found that. I think I can make that work!
  24. Does anyone have: Technical specs for the Jensen clamps Or... a creative way to mount a transformer can to a PCB? I would like to have the option on my PCB to also support this transformer, but with no mounting bushing or threaded holes, it's tricky. The part is: http://www.jensen-transformers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/jt-346-axt-112.pdf Edit: looks like I could just screw these to a PCB: Mouser Part #: 598-VR4A
  25. That's the Kowloon discount. I think the amount for something that would rival a Savile row suit is more around $2K with lifetime adjustments. I will be in HK a lot in the next 3 months, and you could crash at my place.
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