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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. Look at the graphs provided, that data looks more plausible
  2. luvdunhill


    If so they've been tied a long time ago.
  3. One option: http://www.diamondbacknc.com/location.html
  4. Well, he has those. I mean one to produce graphs similar to / contradicting / whatever Tyll.
  5. Well, you misspelled two words, but yes that's how it all happens.
  6. Just sent some PCBs out and still have a few left.
  7. I have some that fit the Cardas XLR (allowing looping or adding RCAs, then a header) and some Stax, etc. I can send a few out, just PM me.
  8. Yup. I get my BluRay from the local library.
  9. It's a Samsung sorry I guess I misremembered. It interestingly has no identifiable model number, which is odd.
  10. luvdunhill

    Oppo PM3

    Please send to me for proper disposal. Nothing but the best Tyll!
  11. Like this? I wonder what PCB this fits into with a few right angle pins?
  12. I have one as well Bryan and might be able to see you sooner.
  13. With the transformer, then a/some RC filter within the signal stuff.
  14. I will consider upgrading once 4K plasmas hit the market.
  15. Yes, yes it does. Welcome to the Team!
  16. Interesting that Jude has a measurement system.
  17. luvdunhill

    Oppo PM3

    I see. Interested.
  18. I haven't gotten 2 day prime service in over a year.
  19. I used to have a method to auto import from a folder housed within the iPhoto app image. This doesn't work with Photos. Any recommendation on a workflow? I am wirelessly uploading photos from my camera and would like Photos to pick them up and process them.
  20. What do people think of Photos? I am crossing my fingers that the thing converts, been a multi hour process so far.
  21. I like Forever, oh well.
  22. Passing it your way now.... Fax on? Bonus: we can play dodgeball!
  23. Seems reasonable to me.
  24. Rumor is this happens daily on Postjacks forum. Why oh why did I get banned!
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