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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. The humor at this point is definitely Al Dente
  2. I honestly haven't listened to much on Erato, but there are a few Esoteric reissues that look interesting.
  3. Indeed, your attention to details are quite attentive on this matter.
  4. The story of my life at late.
  5. luvdunhill

    Oppo PM3

    Agreed, don't get closed headphones unless you have a real need for them to be closed
  6. luvdunhill

    Oppo PM3

    I think they are pretty nice cans, the PM3. For my uses I prefer the MSR that I have been playing around with for a while, though I suspect I may be in the vast minority here? I am going to be doing some full-time listening over the weekend during my convalescing time and if there are any specific questions I can attempt to comment, if I feel like it. Does anyone else have the PM3 en route or is their FOTM in temporary hiatus?
  7. luvdunhill

    Oppo PM3

    Morphine and the headphone behind door number two is much better combination.
  8. Just use normal teflon wire for the bias with some heatshrink along the length. It will still be flexible enough.
  9. luvdunhill

    Oppo PM3

    So far, worst combination is PM3 and Oxy. Pretty boring and made me fall asleep a couple times.
  10. I asked ED and they said they don't have a discography. Lame.
  11. Anyone know where one can get a complete XRCD discography list, now that ED is the NA distributor? I remember when JVC maintained the site there was a nice list there... Perhaps Posty has one?
  12. These are the first Jazz though. And lol.
  13. FYI there is a new Esoteric Jazz Set: http://www.esoteric.jp/products/esoteric/essb90122_27/indexe.html
  14. Removal of sigmoid colon.
  15. Highly recommended event is the O'Henry pun-off in ATX. Next Travel-Team event perhaps? http://punoff.com
  16. Nurses are quite nice. Main issue is the itchiness with the pain medicine, which is unbearable so asking to move to something else. I am numb everywhere except where the pain is!
  17. Not dead. In pain, despite opting for a epidural I think it will be a slow recovery. Thanks for all the nice thoughts guys!
  18. It's "spelled" peatice all one word.
  19. Certified Deposits? Sure, I accept those.
  20. Typed in a much of mumbo jumbo to order some CDs that won't ship to the U.S. to instead ship to a random address in Osaka that may or may not send them to me. Rather thrilling, especially for someone about to be under the knife
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