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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. I am back, scar and all.
  2. This one had what looks like a survey inside, none of the others thus far have had...
  3. Nice choice for sure!
  4. Ah, I think the simple HMS1 is quite a decent value. Good luck on the hunt!
  5. I dunno. Maybe it's just me and associations I have with them. What about Arnold and Son: http://www.arnoldandson.com/home.aspx
  6. Notwithstanding the bearded one, folks that wear them are kinda douchy and I feel they are overpriced. I kinda lump them in with Hublot.
  7. Yeah, they seem to come in pairs. Also completed the other Wand / Bruckner discs, so the one in the set you gave me now has a home Here is one, a two disc set of No. 8
  8. Brendel, Schubert AND Esoteric? Obviously a must-have.
  9. That's what he has his raffle-dealer network headed up by DannyB for.
  10. I actually paid the listed 3,143Â¥ for this one!
  11. But in this case, someone else has decided for him that an upgrade was needed. What then?
  12. Heh, no thanks to you. Really though, they sound pretty amazing to me.
  13. The second of the Kaneko-Esoteric series, also with dual mic recordings. Probably the best recorded instrumental music I have heard in a while, assuming of course you like the material
  14. I like the RB300, not sure why people would consider the Grace an upgrade...
  15. luvdunhill


    I think experimentally I have found the more subs the better. I have tried four subs placed around the room and felt that to be the most convincing setup. I am not sure this matches the theory or not
  16. luvdunhill


    I think you would have lower distortion to sum the two channels and send the sum to each sub.
  17. luvdunhill


    The easiest way to do it is using the analogue inputs. Buy something like a Behringer CX2310. I did this before and it worked great.
  18. luvdunhill


    I think it's better to just get the connectors on either end of a box. I suppose it's easy to buy the components separately and find a nice Hammond case to use. I think this is a nice project for a rainy day. Any experience controlling these via a digital output and then routing signal to the other full range speakers via an analogue output? I would have to do something like this as well. Hm. Gets one thinking.
  19. luvdunhill


    Naaman: I like those plate amps, but I have a tapped horn and not sure if they would interfere with operation, so I would consider a bussel or completely separate enclosure. Ever seen a separate enclosure?
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