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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. Why not just use a thermal switch on AC mains? Check out the Cantherm product line at Digikey.
  2. How many years have you been building and selling Audio projects?
  3. Three discrete opamps?
  4. They are a detented pot.
  5. I think it would be cool to actually remove the amplifier circuit from the board and make it modular - plug-in boards for the amplifier section and maybe even the PSU. Would there be interest in something like this down the road?
  6. pcbway supports plated slots.
  7. Nah, those are just small-signal tubes - nothing to see here.
  8. Thanks Kerry - how thick would you venture? Always looking for prototypers I am working on an ultra low distortion all SMD buffer, probably have a layout done in a day or so.
  9. Right, so my question is is how thick of a board can be used and have the plastic clip part snap into the board. I am not as worried about the solder pin length.
  10. Right, but you have to subtract the small standoffs as the entire part isn't flush to the PCB. This makes that 3mm smaller.
  11. I saw that, but it said "recommended piercing plan". I have the part and it's really hard to measure. It could probably work with a slightly thicker PCB. I am thinking Kerry used these connectors and perhaps he used a > 1.57mm board and can provide some insight.
  12. Can anyone look at the CAD files and give me an idea of the maximum board thickness these connectors can be used with? http://www.te.com/usa-en/product-1-770967-0.html Also, laying out a simple unregulated power supply, if anyone is interested, details here: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/group-buys/297124-ic-yafwpsu-yet-another-firstwatt-psu.html
  13. It's a "loudness" tap.
  14. The same, minus the pasta. But, also got the flu and strep.
  15. Kevin, what typically does one need to drive the clock input of a DAC? This seems to have a lot of circuitry: https://www.ebay.com/itm/281937108477 So, it seems like it's not as simple as buying this and connecting it to to the BNC input: https://www.ebay.com/itm/262634456212
  16. Well, it claims on the front to be vapor(ware), so I dunno...
  17. Here was the main... And the third bottle of wine, which I found agreeable.
  18. Not enough Francs to get closer to the view, but appetizers
  19. My table number, taken from the Ray Samuels school of counting.
  20. I am Bonn again!
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