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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. sure, I'll try and document things... I'm done counting out most of the parts. The caps larger items are proving quite bulky to pack. I'm going to go to the post office and get some flat rate boxes tomorrow, as these kits definitely have some heft to them.
  2. problem is I was working on moving my JFET matching jig from breadboard to perfboard, and making it where I could match 4 devices at a time... so, kinda bad for you guys too
  3. yup, I've played with this "design". I found a really nice donor chassis at some point to use and recently saw an even better chassis somewhere (I think at thlaudio). Seemed like a good improvement, but not on the level of say a isolation transformer or good filtering in the component itself.
  4. they indeed are... today the parts arrived.... a lot of parts... then I figured, screw you guys I'm going to go work on my own projects and pack this stuff later... then my heating element went out in my soldering iron
  5. Just picked up two transformers, for $35 shipped: -Thordarson T22R31 76VA, 360-0-360V 80ma,5V 2A,6.3V 2.5A. -Stancor P-6170 600-0-600V 200ma,5V 3A,6.3V 3A,6.3V 4A. hmmm...
  6. good catch. I'd say *most* of the time you cannot do the double-and-half...
  7. probably some amb goodness... As for "relative bargain", you should compare DIY to DIY as well. I'd be curious to see that cost differential between the β24 and say a Pass F5, or one of the Krell KSA clone projects. My guess is the β24 is 3-4 times more expensive than those 2...
  8. nate, what did you end up using here? I need some sort of silicon adhesive for securing some capacitors and what not. It needs to be insulating as well, as the caps have metal casings. I remember a thread somewhere about silicon adhesive... I looked at Home Despot yesterday and really couldn't find much to fit the bill ...
  9. UPS is estimating Monday for delivery of the parts, so I may be a bit later in sending them out. I'm not sure what I did to anger the gods, as Digikey has always basically been "next day" to my house, no matter the shipping method...
  10. you can go ahead an post impressions though.. just take other people's impressions and just rephrase them a bit and wax poetic about any technological points that you find particularly interesting and are passionate about.
  11. what about outputting 2 channels of 3-phase AC, wouldn't that be a 6-channel amp? =)
  12. so, the 1% TH parts are being discontinued by Panasonic in favor of some 5% SMT parts... lame.. so, the substitute for P3884-ND was P3931-ND which are 2% parts and I added an extra 50% to the quantity to give me a few to match with. The order is being filled at the moment and I hope to have the parts and the kits shipped by the end of the weekend. To answer Nenso's question, I'm probably not the best person to ask if the parts chosen are high quality and well matched, as I'm putting the kits together. Of course I think this is the case I will say that this project should out-class everyone's table/arm/cartridge on this thread, mine included, and I can let you know how it compares to my Xono.
  13. I assume so. I just model the load with a capacitor across the outputs, no resistive or inductive components. You'll have to ask Kevin I suppose.
  14. I did a SPICE simulation with the increased bias of my KGSS and the higher load and it wasn't all that bad...just needs more voltage swing...
  15. The PS2 has a step-up ratio of 1:120, with a bias voltage of 1.2kV. The PS0 has a step-up ratio of 1:60, with a bias voltage of -1.55kV So, the answer is "yes", assuming you have a bias supply that can adjust in the range of 1.2kV-1.55kV. I happen to have one. The KGSS is not a good match, not nearly enough juice, so you're talking Blue Hawaii at a minimum. These phones measure right at a 330pF load, including cable.
  16. dude you totally blew your cover.. anyways, just give them a call and order on your own, or go with the case that DigiPete is proposing. one brief update... after a small embarrassing mistake, I stuffed 6 boards this weekend with the required resistors... according to Mikhail's math, this should be perfect for a Quadraphonic setup. Anyways, couldn't help myself... The plan at this point is to work on matching the Toshiba transistors and then if I haven't heard anything from Digikey by Wednesday, just go with the slightly higher tolerance capacitors and be done with it. I hope to get the parts by Saturday, if I play my cards correctly. I'm hoping you'll have your kits by sometime next week.
  17. if those are Holco resistors, they look mighty funky
  18. and perhaps an anime themed SARS mask? Those are so cool!
  19. nah, a few very strange items though.. I think more expensive than VCAPs per pF? Anyways, a few of these 2 items: Voltronics PTFE trimmers (Mouser 768-A1J8 for example) Soshin Mica
  20. you need some nice big Rifa PHE caps that would color coordinate with your build
  21. I think I hit an all time record for expensive caps. I paid around $3.63 per pF.
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