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Everything posted by luvdunhill

  1. yes, but you'll have to do some math to see if it will work. Depends on the "gear" ratio in this case, or the pulley diameter to platter ratio. This will tell if the Maxon will be capable to drive. The other issue is eccentricity (?) of the pulley, thereby ensuring that the pulley won't introduce an undulating motion into the table. This would cause sonoriscity failure.
  2. have you actually listened to either?
  3. why don't you ask at a third forum, three's a charm.
  4. Steve: in theory, what do you think about injecting the more porous woods with resin? I did it at a whim, but I think it could be rather interesting if used in the proper places (i.e. my pod).
  5. maybe a bit more detail would be helpful. Do you have the ground wire from the tonearm attached?
  6. I like the LM4562 for I/V (metal can versions) when biased with 2.5mA or so current (class A)... that being said, I agree the above is pretty lame.
  7. that's an understatement it is a player that makes a good first impression, that's for sure.
  8. lithium....
  9. I removed all the ceramic bypasses, replaced the crystal with the Citizen, replaced everything in the original PDF with Black Gates, added another purple Black Gate to bypass the PSU where it enters the board, settled (I think) on a MKP1830 for the 10nF cap, removed the inductor on the board, did the BG|7808|BG psu with the recommended MSR/MUR diodes, added a custom R-Core transformer. I haven't done anything with the LCD yet... working on a case at some point is my next step. Should we start another thread? Also, have you heard the original 47 labs player?
  10. yup, yup, yup. I have 2 transports so I can compare the mods side by side. This is the best way to do things, IMHO.
  11. the level of MisterX's build quality and customer support and his price.
  12. check out the video on the product page... yeah, it has the same capacitive touch screen. Anyways, I heard a few portable players over the past week or so and they all really sucked... I didn't think they'd suck as much as they did... I cannot believe people this this is hi-fi. My favorite believe it or not was the Sony players. I'll be in China for a month or so around Christmas, so I'll be able to try some of the new Korean / Chinese players that will coming out over the next month or so. edit: if you'd like to see it, I could always delay your shipment for a week or so and send it along with the Millet for proper cable sizing
  13. Nationite S:Flo Touch Screen 8GB gotta try it, why not... it plays FLAC after all..
  14. obviously you guys haven't heard cryo'ed ceramics.... duh.
  15. up until now, we really haven't seen the "not for commercial use" phrase abused (in the headphone DIY realm). Now we have. I wonder what repercussions this will have.
  16. I really like the arm board Steve! Looks great!
  17. maybe he can custom order them from Ti ... or is the some other amp
  18. I'd just offer an hardwired version... seems reasonable enough.
  19. sorry, been too busy working a BOM for this project: diyAudio Forums - How cheap can you get? ~$60 assembled pair w/ bamboo enclosures - offer advice. - Page 1
  20. yeah, I'm interested in hearing it compared to the baby Stax. Now I need to just find me a decent source... the portable forum at HF is kinda a scary place for me to visit, I'm probably going to have nightmares tonite...
  21. sweet. It is an amazing sounding transport there's one cap that is crazy how much difference it makes.
  22. nah, I live a pretty sedentary lifestyle. If it sounds good on a plane, I'm more than happy.
  23. ah hell.... TTVJ Millet Hybrid Portable
  24. pure evil. just google (ok, ok, use live.com it's way better and search for "microsoft live discount"
  25. STAX SR-001MK2 Electrostatic Headphones Price: $279.99 + $14.99 (EMS shipping) - $84.00 (30% Live Discount) = $210.98
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