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catscratch last won the day on April 12 2012

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Occupation
    teaching life lessons by negative example
  • Headphones
    Focal Utopia, Clear, Elex; Stax SR-007 Mk1, Mk2, L700 & more; Sennheiser HD650, HD600; I have a hoarding problem
  • Headphone Amps
    DSHA-3F, Gilmore Lite Mk2, Schiit Lyr 2, Stax SRM-717 & 007t, and a few more that will be amps again once they resume function
  • Sources
    Ayre QB-9 DSD, NAD M51, Schiit Bifrost 2

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  1. Huge fan of Lynch. This sucks.
  2. Right, so let's say Donny ends this - by giving in to Russian demands and giving them land concessions and blocking Ukraine from EU/Nato membership. How is that going to be seen in any way but a Western loss? How will this discourage Putin from going further? Already Georgia has a pro-Russian puppet government and brewing civic unrest, and have we already forgotten what happened there in 2008? It's a shit sandwitch any way you slice it. Keep the war going, more people die. End the war, Putin gets a dub, the West gets an L on its record, while Putin starts another conflict and more people die. Those are your choices, folks, and I fail to see how the Very Stable Genius makes this any better.
  3. From the man who brought us the world's fastest trashcan.
  4. Well those are technically mating calls, so I'm going to have to go with yes.
  5. Goats are hilarious though NGL
  6. FWIW mine's been working just fine with daily use. But the question is, are the issues limited to the initial batch or are they still happening with new ones. I haven't heard too many new reports of it lately but all I've got to go on is stuff from the internet, I'm not in touch with vendors or anything. I hope they got this shit sorted out as I'd quite like to recommend these.
  7. $6000? Please. All the cool kids are asking $8-9k for their new flagships. What, are they trying to tell us their headphones aren't as good as the new Hifimans or Raals? Also, they should make the cables a subscription-based service and sell the bass separately as pre-order DLC.
  8. Mine's been working fine since I discharged it. Fingers crossed. They definitely screwed up the launch and I hope they're aware of the issues and can fix them. This would be a great headphone at a good price and a real disruptor in the market... if only I could safely recommend it.
  9. Mine actually developed a channel imbalance too. The right channel started getting weak. I discharged it and let it sit for two weeks, and now listening to it for the first time since then the imbalance seems to have gone away. But I've been reading quite a few reports of channel balance issues in these things. Seems like Stax did botch the launch and I hope mine holds out, cause I actually like the sound of this thing a lot. It does need a bit of eq to tame 1-2khz and the bass is definitely seal dependent but otherwise this little thing punches way above its pricepoint in sound quality... when it works.
  10. Ok yeah the X1 doesn't suck. Some very early impressions: Small, lightweight, comfy. The fit is somewhere between supra-aural and circum-aural. The build is minimalistic but seems fine. The only thing I'm concerned with is dust and stuff accumulating on the back of the driver. When you live with a german shepherd dog hair gets in absolutely everywhere. I was wondering why my 650s crackled until I pulled a wad of dog hair out of the driver. How it got in there past all the foam, who even knows. I'm using them with a stock 007t atm. It's a bit light on power but not too bad. Still you can hear that it could use some more. The sound is pretty monitor-like. A bit light on the bottom end but not too thin. The mids are surprisingly realistic. The treble is also pretty smooth. I think the 1-2khz region is a bit pushed and 3-5 is a bit recessed, but not so badly that stuff sounds weird. You get used to the sound signature quickly and then it just sounds normal. Resolution is fine for what it is, but staging is a bit small. These are a far cry from the alien weirdness that is the L700 pre-EQ and even with my treble allergic ears I can listen to these with no EQ just fine. But they could use a bit of tuning up. I'd want them a bit fuller and 1-2khz slightly toned down. Seems pretty solid so far, NGL. I was beginning to think Stax forgot how to make something that sounds relatively normal, but here we are.
  11. As the Dude said, that's a bummer, man, but I hope it's not the end and they update it with something. All it really needs is a proper swivel/articulation mechanism for the earcups and a better earpad mounting mechanism, the rest can stay what it is. A bit more linearity in tuning would be good too - the current one sounds a bit honky and nasal in the mids to me with resonances at 950hz and 1.5khz, and is a bit bright past 10k too, but the driver performs and the resolution is there. I'm sure with a light touch and a few smart tweaks they could turn it into something contemporary and even better, but on the other hand, this is Stax.
  12. I dunno, I enjoyed reading it. His enthusiasm is evident, and as much as I'd love to be a cranky fun-hating git it's nice to see someone having fun with the hobby for once. Still, pontificating at length about minute perceptual nuances is thoroughly pointless given how completely subjective and unreliable all that stuff is, and I've learned to not do it.
  13. Looking forward to your teardown. Also is it just me or do the drivers look awfully exposed behind that rather open grille?
  14. Interdasting. But this will have quite a lot to do. By which I mean the tuning needs to not suck, the headband needs to not crack, and the drivers need to not be 10db apart after 3 weeks. You know, the usual. I sincerely hope that Stax can get themselves out of the rut and put out some bangers, for obvious reasons. Regarding modern Lambdas being not good... well yes and no. Their flaws are fixable and with some EQ and mods they're very good sounding IMO. The question is, why do we need to do the work to extract good sound from them rather than Stax doing it right the first time.
  15. You mean to tell me nobody is buying plastic fantastic Lambdas with no deep bass, 5db of midrange shout, and the build quality of a ksc-75 at $1700? Wow, I never would have guessed. But according to HF somebody contacted Stax and they had this to say: So I guess it's not entirely DC'd? It would definitely be a dumb move, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't do it.
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