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Everything posted by krrm

  1. Grado SR 225 :dance: . Well, they are still in New York, and I don't know when I will see them, but they are bought. Strange but a few days ago I didn't miss Grados, now I can't wait to hear them.
  2. If the documents are sensitive that it will hurt your reputation, be illegal or impact your earnings if the documents fell into the wrong hands I would not use Google Apps. But you should also take into consideration how secure the access to the documents are today. If they are available from anywhere with a static password (like Google Apps), they might be just as safe with Google.
  3. I haven't given Marillion much time. This is the first album I got except a compilation album.
  4. both as 320 kb/s mp3. I wish Amazon will open up for the rest of the world soon, cdon.com could need some competition. Look forward to Sebastian Tellier as this album has been getting good reviews here.
  5. Looks like hit could be a hit. Is http://www.gmanalog.com/ the only place to get it?
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. He's starting to sound like an Alice wannabe. <ignore mode=on />
  8. It was my intention to get something different from the 880s. I'm not so afraid of the darkness, but comfort might be an issue. I will find out out, cause I "ordered" 225s last night. The problem with Alessandros are that they are more or less unknown in Norway, so I will have a harder time to sell them if I don't like them. Thanks to everyone for providing input.
  9. I see J & R has a store in downtown New York (with Grados available). Is that a good place to start?
  10. Then someone has made a mistake cause Grados are in very few stores, even online ones here. And the more expensive models are not available for immediate delivery. The Grado brand is known and people have money so it should be possible to increase the sale. Of course, Norway (4,5 mill. ppl) is a limited market for mid/hi end phones, but there is a big market for lower end phones as there is SkullCandy everywhere.
  11. Compared to prices in Norway that isn't an issue. Grado, Stax and a few other companies have decided that Europeans should pay some sort of extra "fee". Likewise I will save shipping and sales tax compared to buy them from some online store.
  12. My sister and her husband is going to USA in a few days and it seems about time to spend some more on headphones I currently use a Beyer DT880 most of the time, and around here I seems to be of the few that are satisifed with them. However for certain records I would like a more upfront headphone, and from what I picked up Grados will fit the bill. An additional bonus is that Grado are silly expensive here, more than $500 for SR-225, so if I don't like them I should be able to sell them easily. Pricewise SR 125, SR 225 or SR325i seems like suitable phones. A few questions: What are "normal" shop prices in USA? Are they generally easy to come by (e.g. New York)? Are they ok for low level listening? And finally anyone with strong preference for any of the mentioned Grados ?
  13. I love Mann just for the beatiful language, and luckily I have a few more books of him to pick up. As for Kafka I like the Castle better then the Trial. To me there is a lot of humor in Kafka, but it isn't written in big letters, more of a very subtle British understatement thing. A German language author that might have some relavancy here is the Austrian Thomas Bernard, and in particular with The Looser (Der Untergeher), which tells the story of two would-be piano virtuosos whose dreams of glory are dashed by their meeting Glenn Gould as students in Salzburg. http://www.thomasbernhard.org/cousineautbintro.shtml.
  14. Depending on your budget, you could consider the big brother Transporter. It is way more expensive, but according to reports the analog out is very good. I bought the Squeezebox and a dac (Stello DA 100) and while I'm very happy with the sound, it's one more box to feed. (I'll have to admit that I'm bit fed up of boxes that needs power.)
  15. To be honest there is a hole in my lego memory, but the kids plays with much the same way we did when I was young. The only major difference is that in the old days there was very few special bricks, as opposed to now when there is very few general bricks. But still (free form) castles are built and vikings, knights, pirates and firemen are all called in for their duty. And the good side always win (I am usually with the bad guys).
  16. When I was a kid there wasn't even people in Lego sets Sponsors or not, lego is, imo, much better than most other thing a 6 y.o. would like to buy (which would be things like various Pokemon and other fotm cards/plastic figures).
  17. I was with my 6 y.o. son and bought this: Only Star Wars lego set left in the store, they are very popular here at the moment. I guess this is not the time to say that I have never ever seen a Star Wars film.
  18. krrm

    slow forum

    It's just fantastic For all C programmers out there:
  19. Could someone please move this discussion to a home sauce cooking forum?
  20. Guess you will have something to do the next days then. The dog looked a bit worried, so don't forget it
  21. Somehow I think forced reading in school has quite the opposite effect of what is intended. Luckily we had to read mostly Norwegian temporary literature in high school (no big loss), so I have been able to enjoy Dostoevsky. In addition to the above I will also recommend Demons (also known as the Possessed).
  22. I can assure you that this is not normal here. For most people shorts are no go untill at least May.
  23. We have spring here in Oslo, about a month early.
  24. After having read a few Faulkner books I had almost given him up untill I read Absalom, Absalom*. It is one of the most intense books I ever have read. I was unable to read more then a chapter at a time, but still had the urge to finish the book quickly. I know it sounds very much as a contradiction, but so it was. * I do hope that this is the American title as well, since I have a Norwegian edition.
  25. I have the last ppc mini Mac (1,5 Ghz G5 irc) it's more than fast enough to "normal" mediacenter duties (music, ripped dvds @ ~2Mb/s etc). I guess the solo should be at least as fast. But unless I was on a budget, I would go for a dual core as two hanging process are better than one
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