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High Rollers
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Everything posted by krrm

  1. Took (and passed) the yearly shooting test so I can go hunting moose this year as well (12 days to go). Dustyyyy, where are yoouuuuu?
  2. krrm

    slow forum

  3. Talking about damage control, we had a birthday party for our son, 10 kids sure can make a lot of noise. Luckily it didn't rain so we could send them outside for awhile.
  4. Pah, youngsters! Mosaic is it.
  5. How true, and especially after traveling through Kansas!
  6. Congrats and have fun with your new toy. What do you plan to use it for? I have mentally ordered an ASUS 901 w/Linux, mostly due to increased battery life. They will be released here on the 16th. it seems.
  7. Yeah, so it can hang all cores, just like in the old days
  8. The Pico is fantastic, but let me add that the Pico may need an additional amp for some headphones. It has not enough power for the Beyer DT 880, but it takes well care of DT 770.
  9. "They" whoever they are have a webshop here: KOMPAKT It could be me, but I found it a bit confusing.
  10. Noted.
  11. They certainly can be made into discrete design, but that will not necessarily make it a good idea to do so: From Integrated circuit design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "A challenge most critical to analog IC design involves the variability of the individual devices built on the semiconductor chip. Unlike board-level circuit design which permits the designer to select devices that have each been tested and binned according to value, the device values on an IC can vary widely which are uncontrollable by the designer. For example, some IC resistors can vary
  12. krrm

    slow forum

  13. krrm

    slow forum

  14. Happy birthday
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. From European Voltage Harmonisation (its on the Internet, so I'm sure it is correct) "2.2.2 North America ANSI C84.1 "Electric Power Systems and Equipment - Voltage Ratings (60 Hz) sets the preferred nominal voltage at 120V and allows a range of 114 - 126V (240V nominal, range 228 - 252V). Equivalent Canadian spec is CAN3-C235. Voltage at a 120 volt nominal single phase receptacle should be 110 to 125V under normal conditions. However, the California Public Utilities Commission has specified that the service voltage shall be kept in the range 114-120V, with some exceptions. This was done because some studies showed a reduction in energy consumption at the lower voltages."
  17. I think I have seen similar things before, do you have correct permissions in the /opt/BlueCat directory? I can
  18. USB enclosure for 1.8" hard disk.
  19. It was not one, but to pairs of DT770. Two friends at a previous employer was enjoying the silence! of the Beyers. And suddenly I joined Team Beyer@work. Some months later I had another Beyer, DT880 and a Corda Aria amp for home use. That is the beginning of this, hmmm, madness. And then I found head-fi. At my age I have of course I owned headphones before, but I have never been thinking of them as a replacement for speakers before. And as with Dusty, my taste is in music not always what others find normal, so headphones are here to stay.
  20. krrm

    slow forum

    I was thinking why would you want that, then I noticed this was not the just bought thread. I was relieved on your behalf
  21. Thanks all of you. Have been away for the weekend - in small mountain cabin with the family. We had a great time, walking, talking, playing and fishing (no fish).
  22. The cheap and fugly alternative to Grado flats: Earpads SENNHEISER HD414 HD 414 CLASSIC Ear pad Cushion - eBay (item 190236754032 end time Jul-20-08 11:30:11 PDT) I use them on my 225s.
  23. Armorik Whisky Single Malt de Bretagne, a French single malt . I couldn't let that be untried.
  24. If I said yes to that I would clearly not speak the truth, so no. But 3 miles is very nice.
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