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Mister X

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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. The first hit for a case with those dimensions was this----> http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/CAMDEN-BOSS-CDM8605SL-/21-20350 http://camdenboss.com/enclosures/diecast-metal-boxes/aluminium-audio-cases But the vents are the wrong way and $$
  2. Not sure I am winning the war against the grass. Not sure how much it matters though. And because July rocks....
  3. THN's spin on the trade would be comical in any other market. http://www.thehockeynews.com/blog/will-canadiens-rue-the-day-they-traded-p-k-subban/ While not as much of a goal scorer as an agitator adding Andrew Shaw should help create space which could help in that department. Krug, 4 years, 21million. Stays with Boston.
  4. Subban to Predators for Weber??
  5. Hoping installing some double sided tape will help .... Definitely should have went with the magnetless sensors.
  6. Rerun. Thefeed dot com is offering the "free" Camelbak & Skratch Labs Hydration Kit again this year. https://thefeed.com/product/camelbak-skratch-labs-hydration-kit/?attribute_pa_flavor=free-kit
  7. Is a 56cm Disk Trucker close enough? http://www.ebay.com/itm/122014801014
  8. RIP Ron Mason. http://www.mlive.com/spartans/index.ssf/2016/06/michigan_state_community_mourn.html
  9. Mister X


    http://www.etymotic.com/offer/dg2016 Unfortunately does not apply to the new ER4 models. http://www.etymotic.com/consumer/earphones/er4-new.html
  10. RIP Mister Hockey.
  11. Hauling the bike to and from the trail/trails sounds like a plan for the foreseeable future. www.mlive.com/news/kalamazoo/index.ssf/2016/06/photos_of_damaged_bikes_pickup.htm
  12. In shock from a story that just aired on the local news.... http://wwmt.com/news/local/multiple-bicyclists-hit-killed-in-crash
  13. Made the garden look more like a garden then a pasture. Lots of hand weeding in store for today....
  14. $29 Primal Jersey from Love2Pedal? http://www.love2pedal.com/p-921-sale-2495-primal-wear-ace-of-spades-cycling-jersey-mens-short-sleeve-by-primal-wear-with-defeet-socks.aspx Or http://www.love2pedal.com/p-1045-sale-2495-primal-wear-departed-cycling-jersey-mens-short-sleeve-with-defeet-socks.aspx There are more but the sizing is rather spotty....
  15. Oh man.... RIP Muhammad Ali.
  16. Slow and painful seems to be a trend. https://www.strava.com/activities/587104714 Even with the GPS stealing from 3 to 8mph I still managed a couple of "achievements" Anyhow. Canari beer douche jersey? http://www.ebay.com/itm/282045379307
  17. That's from the the meter charging the caps. The "short" you saw when you first connected the meter was from one or more of the caps discharging through the meter. And... it's normal practice to power up a device under test before attempting to measure voltage. Otherwise you're just measuring the residual voltage in the circuit. All of this brings up a question though. Have any idea how many hours that PSU has been in service?
  18. Why would you do that when you could waste your time testing the diodes by measuring the resistance!
  19. PricePoint spam from today. Red and Black Giro Savant $45. http://www.pricepoint.com/Brand/Giro/Giro-Savant-Helmet-2015.axd Not the MIPS version though.
  20. Sorry about your friends guys. RIP Mike RIP Sam
  21. Well that was embarrassing. A tool to hold the other tool in place so it could be taken off with a big wrench and I was out the door in a flash. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000IZEH8I
  22. Meh, after fighting with the bottom bracket for a half an hour I think a trip to the LBS is in order for later today. http://www.808.dk/?stuck-bottom-bracket-removal
  23. The sprockets on the Shimano HG200 (Acera, 9 speed) 11-34 cassette are specified as being: 11-13-15-17-20-23-26-30-34T A 12-25 cassette will have... 12-13-14-15-17-19-21-23-25 http://www.sheldonbrown.com/k9.shtml A replacement cassette will run about $30 No need for a new chain with that few miles.... But will need a chain tool, lock ring removal tool and a chain whip to swap the cassette. May be better to let the LBS handle that, which is not all bad because it sounds like you also need a longer stem.
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