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Mister X

High Rollers
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Everything posted by Mister X

  1. Sounds like a good reason to do it again tomorrow.
  2. http://www.logicbuy.com/deals/dell-inspiron-11-amd-touch-laptop/48834.aspx
  3. Was that the same shop that crossed up the crankset for the Cervelo?
  4. Does anybody have any input regarding the sizing for Canari jerseys? This one keeps calling to me but it's not available in my normal size (L). http://www.amazon.com/Canari-Cyclewear-Mens-Mountain-Jersey/dp/B00943AB62
  5. That would be more than a season between events in that story line... I guess the show does move pretty slow though doesn't it?
  6. Happy birthday.
  7. Still no Lady Stoneheart?
  8. I was going to say something about surfaced roads being overrated but this was pretty brutal today.
  9. New bits to fix sticky 6-7-8 shifts. http://www.ebay.com/itm/221119885994 I prolly should have bought a retail kit but it did the trick. Time to go see how they fare after some abuse.
  10. Bugs? Did someone mention bugs? This was on the screen this morning...
  11. Was not thinking and threw a pair of gloves in the wash with the rest of the stuff. Velcro + spandex = bad.
  12. I have nothing as far as a helmet is concerned but these work pretty good if you want to turn a pair of Chuck Taylors into cycling shoes. http://www.retrofitz.com/index.html
  13. Happy Birthday.
  14. Which reminds me... I left the rock n roll extreme lube on the porch over the winter and it looks like blue Jello now. Has anybody tried the Squirt lube? http://www.squirtlube.com/products/lube.html http://www.ebay.com/itm/281334824332
  15. Smoother, quieter then a chain and does not require lubrication.
  16. Yeah... would be even better with a computer controlled, auto shift mode. Hmmm, I think I just talked myself into an idea.
  17. http://www.schwans.com/products/productDetail.aspx?id=61406&c1=10432 (Zesty Jalapeno Bites) Served with Mango habanero salsa. Not to bad for 10 minutes out of the oven.
  18. Would the Breezer Beltway be considered to basic? http://www.breezerbikes.com/bikes/details/beltway
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. It's equipped with Shimano 100gs parts. I had cleaned and re-lubed the shifters when I replaced the cables. Screwing the barrel adjuster on the shifter all of the way in and backing it out 2 turns and then re-adjusting the cable (forgot that step when I installed the FD cable) helped but it still slides back to the middle chainring. Noticed quite a bit of side to side slop in the crank so I'm thinking will need to clean and repack those bearings for it to get any better. Prolly a new chain to...
  21. One of the neighbors was cleaning out his shed and left this in the carport. A couple of junk box parts later and it was ridable The front shifter still will not click to the big gear and it's to small so it's getting donated.... http://openroadsbike.org/
  22. I have one but it doesn't work very well with the bar ends + ergo grips I'm using.
  23. A lady talking on a cell phone in a SUV got to close today. Is there such a thing as a helmet mounted mirror that isn't a POS?
  24. $5500 though... I would settle for the Warbird 2.
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