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Everything posted by kugino

  1. seller will take it back...we'll discuss the details. unfortunately (for him), it was packaged very well and there was no damage to the box so i don't think there was any damage from shipping.
  2. i just contacted the owner to ask for a refund. i imagine he might hem and haw, but hopefully paypal will help make it right. after i readjusted the L/R knobs they didn't track very well. at low volume levels the L side was louder, but as i increased the volume, the R side got louder...so they increased/decreased at different rates. we'll see what happens...stay tuned...
  3. haha...yeah, believe me, i've thought about it. still might, though i've opened up the 717 and figured out what's going on with this thing. man, i'm not sure what happened to this amp, but there are a lot of dented and bent places in the casing. but from what i can see/hear, the electronics are perfectly fine, so i'm going to see if i can straighten out some of the casing and will probably keep it as it was a pretty good deal. if anything, it would be a great second amp for the living room or office if/when i decide to pick up a kgsshv in the future. for example, check out the front plate. how the hell did this get bent like that?
  4. a few more questions about this 717 amp that i bought used...i'm wondering if i should return it b/c it's a bit more worn than was stated...and the L/R volume doesn't seem to work. so, the casing is bent in a couple of places. the top cover has a bit of a dent, which i can live with, but the back casing is curved inward a bit, leading me to believe it was dropped or something: the 717 has independent L/R volume knobs, i believe, and they should sit flush with one another (at least from what i've seen in other pics online). on this unit, the L/R knobs cannot sit flush with one another - the inner L knob is recessed and cannot come out any further. looking at the internals, the plate is crooked near the potentiometer and perhaps this is causing the inner L ring/knob to be recessed. furthermore, when i turn the L ring, nothing happens. turning the outer R knob increases/decreases the volume together, but i cannot control L and R independently. is this an easy fix or something more problematic? any thoughts? should i return to the seller and get my money back? or are these minor things that can be easily remedied? thanks!
  5. thanks...so it looks like the jumpers are on 2, 4, 6, which corresponds to 120V, correct?
  6. I picked up a used 717 that is a Japanese 100v model that the seller said was adjusted to 117v. is there any way to verify this? if I were to use it plugged into my US outlet, will I damage the amp or earspeakers if it has not been converted properly?
  7. so i'm thinking about picking up a used 717 for a sr007A coming in...i don't have the funds for a kgsshv yet. but i just saw a modified exstata on spritzer's site. would this be on par with the 717 driving the sr007A or would i be better off with the 717? they'll be within $100 of each other cost-wise...
  8. never ended up buying customs. did a trial of a bunch of top dynamics/orthos, though. headed toward stax now
  9. mother in law left after a 12 day visit. I could care less what I did today. it is now a great day.
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