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About hadden

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. May you live the happy life of a goat. Love that saying. Our goat here is happy, and on vacation. Life is good for the goat.
  2. Yes, excellent high value unit. Sounds as good as source. Really revealed differences when I had it. Could be warm, bright, whatever.
  3. I've been looking forward to the Pico dac. Stupid question, but is it the same as the dac in the regular Pico, just sans amp, or has Justin changed anything?
  4. Please look at the graph more closely. Buying near the top in the late 20s means a twenty year or more wait to get back to square one if you are looking at the broad market. Also notice the looong drawn out flatline through the 60s and 70s, which pretty much killed the mutual fund market, or whatever it was called at the time. We haven't had a truly bad patch for a generation. People DO NOT have the patience or forsight or historical perspectve to wait through a true Bear.
  5. The waitress who served me a glass with a chip in it large and sharp enough to sever my tongue.
  6. Well Brice at Sound Odyssey ripped me off and many others at Head-fi. Same kind of pattern. Nothing new about vendors behaving badly through Head-fi. People always make the same lame excuses for them. The person in question "is a craftsman not a businessman". Or "it's worth waiting longer for the finest things". The softminded niceness of the atmosphere there creates a lot of suckers. It ranges from outright fraud to having a cavalier attitude to customers. Not every vendor, obviously. I don't understand why people allow themselves to be strung along so often, treated like rubes, then they get thrown a pathetic scrap through an email they have been waiting for forever and it's "yeah, what a great guy...!"
  7. I am a happy sort, pretty much. Until a certain feeling begins to grow within, and I know the time has come for me to kill again.
  8. How could we ever know this either way? Anyway, I read about a study (too lazy to look for it) that found depressive types could more accurately estimate the scores they would receive on an academic test just taken. In this little instance at least, the dark ones were more engaged with reality.
  9. Yes boring anemic sound from the Dac1. No Bass. I don't get it. Do people actually listen, I wonder? My Senns didn't like the headphone amp in it either.
  10. I ended up cancelling my order for another reason. Now I'm glad I did.
  11. What is wrong with you?
  12. My wifes grandmother used to think the thermostat talked to her. At one point sleeping by it so as not to "miss anything".
  13. Delusion is bliss.
  14. Typical arrogant offensive audiofool pricing from that company. WTF. The Proton has the headphone output at the back stupidly -- it won't properly drive Senns, either.
  15. Welcome to Prick Central, Gordon.
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