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  1. I really did not pay any attention to the time frame; yes, swt had a point there, truth be told. The whole thread is just unbelievable.
  2. Sorry, I was just in disbelief reading the parts, or the entirety of the thread...
  3. The last time I visited he was also churning out some lollipops, but this time prices were flat rate... smarts indeed...
  4. +1 on this. Much needed thread, and not only at head-case (pun intended to some (several) other places).
  5. Those were (in excellent condition) for sale here recently... The price was... khm.. measly 8500 €
  6. just when the fun started... 😛
  7. Yeah, well... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGi2AlMhraQ
  8. Way to go, Kasparov...
  9. Well, it's the other way round, as I see it: I am still NOT waiting for you to give a proper answers to any of the findings that @spritzer presented here. I gave up on waiting for you to say something sensible early in this thread. I cannot use the plural here, that is, mention what others are waiting for here. Since I have no idea. As in, I am surprised that they still have this much patience with you. I cannot see what "facts" you have mentioned in any of your posts, apart from praising the whatever devices in question for their sound quality. Regarding your quote from the manufacturer, I see that one as really revealing as well. Kind of reminded me of one another attempt of "rebuttal" several years ago. I am just sitting here and waiting for someone to dissect it properly, since I have read it. It only did reaffirm the impressions I already got, from way before you have quoted it here. Just to remind about one small detail: The guy ( @spritzer ) presented hard facts, the way he sees them, and you in return called him "an asshole", for that. Which, to me, says a whole lot. This. 🏆
  10. What can I say... nordic "internal deviations" The local version here is Skål... but the etymology of the word is what's more interesting... as you probably already know...
  11. SkÅL !
  12. From the bottom of my heart... I envy you ! You have probably destroyed more things than other people (none mentioned, none forgotten ) have seen... and - I meant, of course, electronics - audio related stuff...
  13. ... just when I had hopes 'bout someone building me an amp here... confidence level rising...
  14. Furthest I've come was launching a led diode to the ceiling from the circuit board... no countdown prior...
  15. Just started to read on (from its beginning) old thread... very interesting... will do some reading on it now to see what eventually happened with that 1.2k V amp project... Still probably doesn't match this "venture"
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