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  1. I have come to this realization after returning my yggy fitst time for DOA, and then another 3X for repair, and 1more time for Gen5 upgade. Also, there is an issue with older PSU motherboard which made my Gen5 upgrade sound dull. Gen5 is better but still not reach level of any other input choice, so a waste of time and money if you already have another USB solution (SU-1). Also, it is true that the yggy's unsecured larger transformers will come loose & detach from PSU motherboard, depending on age and if shipped. The only saving grace is the warranty. I have since moved onto a Holo Spring Dac which gives me slightly more involvement and detailing over yggy. Also, I recently been comparing my Holo Spring (LvL1) to my friend's yggy (A-board) to determine my decision to keep the Holo Spring. The lesser price tag is just a bonus. Yggy is still a top Dac, just need to keep it cool and treat it like a baby, but I am sure others besides Holo will close the gap.
  2. This is an old topic. Yet I find no useful responses. The crack is waste of time unless you want to empty your wallet while learning to assemble a simple tube amp. The torpedo is the only recommendation I can see as a very good sounding solution, and a favorite with me. Yet it does not do low impedance headphones well. The Little Dot definitely earns it's POS rating due to cheap quality, but is value priced appropriately for beginners, and a reason I started with tubes. So the obvious reason I am posting can now be obvious, is that the APPJ PA1502A is a different story. It has the most modern design, and most probably a threat to anything priced under $600-800, once upgraded. It can hold it's own easily with a crack or Torpedo , but only once you (DIY ) upgrade it's coupling and cathode caps. Same applies to all these amps using cheapo WIMA as coupling caps anyways. But the advantage of the APPJ lies in the more modern PSU and elimination of a Transformer there. I don't see any hybrid or tube amps using surface mount devices on their boards, or a switching power supply to eliminate the PSU Transformer. Very smart and very compact. So there you go. I know this site likes to bash, but I speak from experience. None hear has stated they tried ALL of these mentioned amps. I HAVE. So I am only posting for those that Google and find this thread. So they won't go waste their money on a crack. Simply because it is an expensive alternative.
  3. Thanks for link. I might not like or learn much from this place, but I actually can appreciate the sarcasm & abusiveness. Taken in doses.
  4. Thank all of you for your concerns, that touched me. Actually I hate to say this but I am starting to see evwryones view and decide to clean up those "diarrea posts", Only because I want to be a bit like you, but dont let that get to your head now. I am still learning how this site operates..
  5. I wasnt looking for a forum. I thought I was in a Schiit Yggrasil thread. Seems like instead I entered an alchoholics or hate group. So you could be right. I guess I will do you all a favor and leave this thread. Maybe that make you happy. Or maybe you will all stay miserable.
  6. You to can take some advice and go diarria some other thread looking for free DSD.. If you dont wanna hear the truth or comparisons that is your perogative, so there you go, so since you dont like me to wax any poetics, I oblige.
  7. haha see, I'm already learning something from this site as regards to the Lampi brand.. Anyways I like to elaborate on why I feel yiggy is "too" good... Edit: Sorry too long. I deleted what you all already know, that I hear substantial improvement over other dacs I tried. And no I dont have any better ears than anyone, So users need to hear for themselves to know.
  8. I never seen the insides of one and its kind of very shocking for me to see a breadboard in there...(!) Edit: nothn more to say
  9. 1st post or 100th, my point was only to post my impression. Edit: now that I think of it, I can see how it would be difficult to believe a "first time poster", but you can find me on the other websites I posted there in past. I finnally decide to look here more
  10. If you are talking about the oppo dac, I had the Oppo HA1 amp/dac combo which is said to be just as good id not better than the stand alone dac... None of these dacs come close to the yggy.. I have also had borrowed... blabla edit, due to possible hyperbowl/diarrea, So suffice to say I am convince yggy is auperior.. dont want anyone to vomit over reading excessive posts.. ... And no I purposely do not use spellcheck .
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