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Everything posted by HemiSam

  1. It's a tragic piece of crap...really. I think they must have gotten some cheap shells made in China with no quality control and they're taking the amphenol jack (which looks like it could be a 6-pin but has the center filled) and screwing it into the shitty sleeve. It's not cracked so much as it was molded poorly by the look of it...super half ass. And I'm not looking forward to soldering the wires from the Koss into that jack as I'm no artist. Trying to figure out now how to most intelligently do so. Just seeing KG's post as I'm typing. I thought I'd read that several have used it and were opening up the female a bit? I'm all ears here (where's my PeeWee pic???)... HS
  2. Rookie here. Have been lurking and read through this thread and a few others. This amp is waaaaaay sexy. I dont personally have the skill to build one...I'm an oaf with electronics as can be judged on the work I do on my race car...far more mechanically inclined. I want one bad and have a kind and skilled gent building one so I don't kill myself or my e-stats. Tail wagging... HS
  3. Thank you, Gents. Good to be here. This place reminds me of a muscle car forum I frequent....light on BS and long on know-how. HS
  4. First post so be gentle... I have been lurking on here and am braving my first post. Appreciate the info in this thread as I have a KGST I'm stoked about headed my way. Will be recabling my ESP 950's for starters. Made the mistake of purchasing the Moon Audio plug. Birgir is correct. It is crap... HS
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