I purchased a pair of 207s and a 323 amp and love the combo. I heeded Spitzer's advice not to buy more expensive lambdas; thank you for your posts, Spitzer, which are always informative and frequently funny. The comment that it is smoother on top can be easily verified by looking at the data posted on Innerfidelity.
Speaking of that data, with 207s the distortion is so low, and impulse response and square wave so good, with benign frequency curve, other than bigger sound stage and perhaps better bass below 30 Hz, I wonder how much better the L700 could be than 207s even with the 009 drivers. A German amateur reviewer reported a 5-10% increase in detail of the L700 vs the other lambdas. I suspect this is accurate.
Can a case be made that the 207, properly amped, is a better value than the L700? Also, as Spitzer has pointed out, it is a new model with unknown failure rate. That is an important point, given how many people have had the dreaded channel mismatch with 009s.