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Everything posted by Earspeakers

  1. That's another option, feel free to go with them if you like. I tried their web interface and found glitches, not sure how comfortable I am doing a HV board set. It'd probably be fine though. I've been working with BayAreaCircuits which is a top drawer manufacturer, but costs a bit more too. Does it make any difference? Don't know. Anyhow Remold did you want to organize a run of cheaper boards through them?
  2. OK let's just make it simple, $90/board set, thats for a PSU and two amp boards, includes shipping and PayPal fees.
  3. On/off switches? Many folks here have ones with built in lights, are those standard issue? Looking for something nice. Other suggestions?
  4. OK, but FYI I'm not counting the maybe's, as I have to get a quote to try and find the best price. If you decide to turn that to a yes then there may not be a spot for you folks. DefQon s_r Cucera Tachikoma mwl168 Gokury JimL (2) particleman14 G600 sorenb 14 boards total with three for me Maybe/Uncounted b0bb insanity chiguy mypasswordis
  5. OK here's the tally so far, check if I have everybody interested DefQon s_r Cucera Tachikoma mwl168 Gokury JimL (2) particleman14 G600 sorenb 14 boards total with three for me With maybe's (I'm not counting in atm) b0bb? insanity? chiguy?
  6. I wonder how it would do with a balanced tube output stage. Circuit ideas anyone?
  7. I guess I'm disappointed there's no dual shaft options easily available like what Stax uses with their amps. Options Goldpoint Khozomo 2x TKD 601 10k for Gilmore amps
  8. Ah, Khozmo is one I've not come across. The stepped attenuators quad is $289, I could swing that. OTOH plus $50 for shipping (!), I might as well go Elma. By the way what is the recommended impedance for KGST and KGSSHV, 100k?
  9. Hm, yeah. Did extensive searching but not finding good sources. Folks who have built a KGST/KGSSHV, what did you use?
  10. I'd like to spend no more than say $200. 4 channel - so two balanced. Where can I get the alpha pots? Or a link to any of the other options? I did some searching but that wan't too useful.
  11. Looking for a high quality not crazy audio attenuator for KGSS and KGST type amps.
  12. Anybody try with the amp boards vertical? I have a chassis idea/approach that would utilize this, and it would seem to allow greater airflow over the sinks if anything.
  13. Hi Folks, I've been out with one of the nasty flues the last week. Will be getting a quote and pulling this together this week.
  14. Looks great - where/how did you do the case? And I hope the answer isn't "at a local shop"
  15. I came to this board late ... are there any more boards for sale, or is anybody planning a new run?
  16. I did wonder what he meant by that, Parts Connection has the PC mount I'm used to (older style with leaf flanges) which is what I thought he was talking about. Well thanks for all the help, learned something new and saved myself some money.
  17. Yes I saw those but I believe they are chassis mount. Spot checking they all mention chassis mount only http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEXUS-MUSIC-Premium-9-PIN-9P-Gold-Plated-Teflon-Tube-Socket-12AU7-ECC83-2PCS-/181469359862?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2a406aaef6 So are you saying these also will work in the KGST PC mount?
  18. Teflon composite - interesting. Any experience with gold versus silver plating? I used silver once for something I built years ago, which later resulted in green corrosion at the solder joint. I suspected it was because I didn't use silver bearing solder, I think I found that if you use silver plated components you have to use solder with trace silver (1% or something), which I don't have anymore. Any rate I like gold as it doesn't tarnish like silver. Thoughts? PS. Not finding any on eBay at the moment.
  19. Does anybody have a source? All I see so far is chassis mount.
  20. A note, I'd appreciate firm replies. Once I ask for a quote I'll need a good tally of who is serious. They have "specials" depending on the total area, and if I don't make a special I need a specific quote. So I can't dance around with it so will come to the group for a real count before I get the quote. Price shouldn't be over $100 (or not much over) from the estimates I have so far, but don't hold me to that. I'm not doing this as a business but as a DIY service so you have to work with me on it
  21. It's only for sets, a PS and two amp boards.
  22. Great find, thanks for the mention! I've been looking at doing my own FPGA Spartan driven R2R DAC, and here it comes in a nice package. I'll see if he's willing to share his VHDL/Verilog for expert hacking.
  23. I work in scientific instrumentation - RF frequency stuff. A colleague said something once - "you know I think all we do year after year is just make stuff smaller". Surprised me at the time but I came to discover how true it is.
  24. I'll have a price when I know how many. Birgir I'll let you know via email how many would round out the order, or if it works just to order an arbitrary amount. The first price break was at about 6 sets, but it looks like we're going to blow past that. I'll just keep the thread open for a week or so to see who is in, then get a final price and get the final count.
  25. I've run the latest board set through the PCB vendor so am set up there, now just need a head count. Smallest reasonable order is about 5 sets, I don't mind taking a couple so just the three of us would be enough.
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