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Everything posted by JimP

  1. We have bush! thanks beefy, I think I'll go for these. I ping'ed the guy selling the 'shotgun' ones and he says he's currently developing newer version, but I don't really need variable attenuation and don't want to wait. Skeevy is ok, as long the goldennuggets work. Question is, should I go for -10, -14, or -20? Again with K1000's, I'm only going around 8 o'clock before it's too loud. (As an aside, I just tried my new (to me) DT880-600ohm straight out of Almarro HP jack -- sounds great! but even with 600ohm, I'm around 8 o'clock on the vol. dial. so now doubly motivated to get this attenuation thing worked out) maybe I'll go -20 and make sure he allows me to return to go down if necessary.
  2. or maybe these puppies: http://mysite.verizon.net/vze4c5pt/id2.html may give it a shot...
  3. How about something like this: http://www.enjoythemusic.com/magazine/equipment/0803/rothwell.htm
  4. correction: it's more like 8 o'clock on the volume before its too loud...
  5. OK I've gotten off the binge & purge wagon, and have settled in with 840c/Almarro/K1000 as my main rig (and Earmax AE for other phones like HD650). Now my main system is pretty much perfect (to me) except for one annoying thing: 840c is fixed out RCA to the Almarro integrated amp. Even with low 5wpc output of the amp and the K1000, I can only use the volume knob up to about 9 o'clock before it's too loud (maybe a bit more for classical/opera). That is, very limited range of volume knob. I wish the 840c had some kind of variable out option, then I could optimize so the amp volume can turn to, say, 10-12 o'clock. Is there some device, like a passive line attenuator, even a passive line pre-amp, that I can put between source and amp, so that I can achieve relatively higher volume knob play? Obviously without sound/signal degradation. Not sure if the above question makes sense, but I would really appreciate any input. Or should I just live with it?
  6. I'm being slow...why would you want to dock your ipod to your 840c (I own one)? Is it something like the Wadia iTransport, then I guess there's some rationale. Othewise, why?
  7. yes, make babies congratulations!!
  8. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    Not that anyone cares, but I've sold my L3000/DHA3000 second time (L3000 second pair, DHA3000 having to be repaired) as my K1000/Almarro wins out (again) as my main system (Waiting for Dusty Chalk to berate me as Jesus again...). Upside is I have some $$$$ for full speakers for my Almarro. "Remember Almarro!!" -- Davy Crockett
  9. BMcB, this is not right, can you at least crop out my daughter's photo from your post? she'll stumble on this thread in the distant future...and she'll think...my dad...is such a.... _________
  10. appreciate all the input, I've never heard of some of these brands/models so it helps me to shortcut the research. (The space constraint comes from wanting to use it in the den where my Almarro serves the K1000, I suppose I could move all this to the living room...that's it, reclaim the living room as rightfully mine -- who wears the pants here?!)
  11. Ok this is the kind of advice I need...this is uncharted territory for me. Any other input/recommendations would be highly appreciated.
  12. OK I want to venture into full speakers utilizing my Alamarro A205AmkII that I currently use with my K1000. At the dealer I purchased the Almarro, he was demonstrating it with Zu Druids (?) with tremendous effect. But I need something smaller, suitable for SET amps (technically the Almarro is a 5 wpc single-ended pentode). From my feeble google effort, I find Coincident Triumphs and Zu Cradenza Credanza/Tone, but are there others I should consider??
  13. I kinda like the idea of head-case cuddle party. Perhaps I sandwich between boomana and maybe contrastique, the rest of you can form whatever configuration/chain after that. (the education/enlightment I derive from this site is invaluable -- seriously my favorite thread on the 'net right now is the Off Topic thread here. For those who are uninitiated, start from page 1, and be prepared to truly marvel at mysteries of humanity)
  14. I connect my macmini to the 840c using toslink optical (1/8" mini at the macmini end). You may be able to find the cable at nearby Apple Store. Works great! Then I have the 840c out simultaneously RCA-to-RCA to the Almarro and XLR-to-RCA to the Earmax AE. 840c allows for very flexible set-up. good luck!
  15. Point taken, no beef with you, deepak
  16. To DEEPAK, As oppposed to what? Recommend amps I've never heard? OK, then I also recommend the SDS or Dragon (never owned it, seen it, touched it, caressed it, licked it) To SLWISER, please do not misunderstand me, I think HA-02 is great, but in my portfolio of equipment, it does nothing extra for me. Cheers.
  17. The implementation sucks. The Almarro is primarily for my K1000 (which is great!!), hence my fanboy thumbs-up. There is an after-thought 1/8" headphone-out in the back. I've tried a P-to-S Etymotic adaptor, then an 1/8" to 1/4" adaptor, to my HD650 (kind of ghetto). The sound is very promising, but there's a low level hum. Several people have PM'ed me as to how to mod this. Not a priority now, but I hope to in the future, tweak the Almarro so I can use it beyond the K1000.
  18. Sorry, forgot to add that~$850 spent on the Almarro (much cheaper used) ranks as one of the best money I've spent in this hobby (and I've spent some stupid money in the process). SLWISER: I've had the HA-02. The craftsmanship alone is amazing. But to me, it sounded more solid state than my solid state amp experiences, if that makes any sense. That may be it's strength, but as I dabble in tube amps, I'm looking for the stereotypical gooey/lush tube sound to compliment my SS amps.
  19. Old news but my purple nurple (Almaro A205AmkII, ~$800) with K1000 (fed by 840C) continues to impress long term. There is a headphone out on this (1/8" mini??) that I need to tweak to use other phones, eg HD650. It's got me hooked on tubes, and I'm now in the hunt for another tube amp, so following this thread with interest. (before Jon L jumps in to slap me, this is old photo, I have an upgraded XLR to speaker wire adaptor)
  20. JimP

    Markl Mods

    What's a "fucknugget"? [english is a second language for me] like does it come with your choice of dipping sauce? (honey mustard ftw) seriously, I'm curious hear what Purk eventually has to say
  21. ok I admit it...busted...those are my hands
  22. JimP

    slow forum

    I have to say, as this thread closes in on page 100, this is one of the most entertaining threads on the internet (seriously). The good, bad,and ugly of humanity are all revealed here in all its glory! There are too many to cite, but for example, the two kids DJ'ing/scratching, and the Japanese girl playing Kansas at her recital, etc etc - these are truly awesome in the true sense.
  23. Purk, here is AT Japan email: [email protected], if you want to inquire. FYI, initially they stated that policy is only to service in Japan as this is a Japan-only product. However, they seem to take great pride in their product, and without much prodding, offered to service the DHA3000. Be patient with the communication as english is obviously not their first language. I eventually got a call from a Japanese woman out of the blue who apologized for the delay in repair/shipping (didn't get her name but that's digressing too far!). Again, it's refreshing to see this type of quality service/support. To OP, apologies as this has strayed from your question. But there is an important implication here - if my L3000 ever require service, I'm fairly confident AT would step up. If HP1000 needs future service, I'm not certain current Grado would step up (I stand corrected if that's not the case).
  24. BTW, that included shipping as well from Japan to Hong Kong. The great service on this DHA3000 repair has notched up AT in my pantheon.
  25. Purk, I think my problem is different from yours. My coax and optical was fine...in transit, it seems a circuit related to the volume control was damaged. It cost about yen 11,000 (approx. US$110) at AT Japan all-in to have it repaired.
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