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Everything posted by JimP

  1. I bought these second hand. According to original owner, the finish is "custom pearl silver with some faint gold tone". I really like the finish which may not be for everyone (which my sucky camera can't capture properly). But I can see the resemblance to Formica! Unfortunately because of work, I'll have to wait until weekend to really listen to them and figure out the set up, but the bits I've listened to are fantastic. The mainstay of my music is jazz (despite my bizarre recent foray into grateful dead/jerry garcia) - and these Super 8s are eery in representing live jazz. But 'Sugar Magnolia' and 'Playin' In The Band' sound pretty damn righteous out of these Super 8s. To give credit where it's due, I thank Head-Case for pointing me to Omega's (which I've never heard of before), which led to the Super 5s (which was a great intro to single-drivers for me), and now the splurge on Super 8 Alnicos.
  2. They finally arrived! Temporarily set up with my Leben amp, need to figure out how to lay this out, with the challenge of a 2 yr old in the house. Much bigger than I expected, but they sound wonderful.
  3. There's a guy Jon L who simply put a XLR on his Almarro specifically for K1000. Almarro A205a MkII AKG K1000 Special Edition (Pics) - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio Again, don't mean to be an Almarro fanboy, but just pointing out you can have XLR. As others have noted, there are many, many choices since you are liberated from just head amps.
  4. FWIW, when I had the K1000, I had excellent results running it off an Almarro A205AmkII single-ended pentode amp. You can google to see more thorough impressions of that combo, than I can provide. But much lower than your budget...YMMV
  5. What is that?
  6. Just curious, what tube amp are you using to drive your Superhemps?
  7. haven't tried S4 beta, will try that next, thanks
  8. Sorry if this is old news, but I stumbled on a browser called Webkit for Mac. This thing is truly FAST. Surfing the web on my OSX'd 1000H netbook smokes everything else (except Webkit now on my Macmini). Seems quite stable too. If you're running OSX, you owe it to yourself to try this. The WebKit Open Source Project
  9. The posting about OSX on Inspiron Mini 9 piqued my interest. Went for it and put OSX on my ASUS 1000H. I'm not the most technically inclined, but there are very detailed step-by-step instructions out there - if I can do it, I suppose anyone can. Now I have a fully functional OSX netbook - and it is by far the most enjoyable mobile experience. I had to get a broadcom airport mini-PCI card ($25 on the net) and pop that in, as the original Ralink wlan card is flaky under OSX (this is also well documented out there). I've got 2g memory and 320g HD on the 1000H. eg, Airtunes to Airport Express to DAC to rest of speaker system is sublime in how it all works seemlessly when I'm home. 320g is more than plenty that I have all my favorite CDs ripped ALAC on the 1000H. This thing weighs nothing so I take it everywhere. Back on topic, I own macmini (which got me into OSX), but don't feel compelled to upgrade to new one.
  10. happy B-day!
  11. JimP

    slow forum

  12. If you're referring to the Super 5s, they are kind of large for bookshelf (15"H x 9"W x 12.5"D) but not outrageous. I had mine custom vented by Omega to the side, allowing me to place closer to backwall. I have used these in desktop configuration, primarily nearfield listening, with excellent results. If you're referring to Super 8s, no way, too big (23" tall x 15" wide x 12.5"D)
  13. current system with Omega Super 5's...waiting for the Super 8 Alnico's...
  14. (not you, AB - the new speakers)
  15. Yeah! I just scored this Omega Super 8 Alnico (formerly SuperHemp, but with new drivers), which is on its way to me (seller's photo). Will be driving with my Almarro A205AmkII and various sources. Have had good experience with Omega Super 5, so I splurged.
  16. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    You should be grateful (no pun intended), and try to give GD a chance.
  17. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    My deadicated bedside GD system - RCD971 (HDCD) --> Earmax Silver Edition --> HD650. Sounds pretty sweet! Interesting to note: some of my GD purchases are FLAC downloads from dead.net. I burn them to CD-ROM using BURRRN, and the CD retains HDCD (HDCD light goes on). Can't be bothered to test methodically if HDCD really improves sound or not, but I'm really enjoying it.
  18. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    postjack, thanks for above!
  19. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    OK specific question to some of the DH's or quasi-DH's here: I have all the Road Trips series from Grateful Dead | Official Site of the Grateful Dead, not an issue as there's only 5 or 6. I want to get some Dick's Picks, but there's quite a lot - can anyone suggest some good ones? I know it's subjective and depends on what period dead you like, but right now I'm sampling the whole range.
  20. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    hehe, ordered some t-shirts and stickers from dead.net as well. I'd buy your sticker if it was still available (slap it on my briefcase:o)
  21. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    I've heard of Phish, who or what is WSP and ABB?
  22. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    I just googled 'Oade Brothers', there's a lot out there in the public domain. Thanks for the tip, another path for me to explore (w/o spending $$$)
  23. JimP

    Any Deadheads on HC?

    also just purchased Spritzer's RCD971 solely for HDCD capabilities, because all the GD CDs are supposedly HDCD encoded. Weird.
  24. For some inexplicable reason, ~70% of my listening these days is Grateful Dead (or JGB). As background, I hated the Dead back in high school (went to a US private school, and found these WASPy deadheads quite annoying). At college, less annoying but couldn't care less about the roommates who were into the Dead. I've been to one and only Dead concert - Madison Square Garden in the '90s - more freaked out by the freaks than enjoying the show. Fast forward to today, I keep reaching for my GD CDs (or equivalent FLAC/ALAC). I've belatedly come to appreciate GD. I just spent $$$ ordering 9-CD Winterland '73 set, Terrapin Station 3-CD limited edition, Cow Palace, Dozin' At The Knick, Nightfall Of Diamonds, Steppin' Out, Europe '72, Rockin' The Rhein, Truckin' Up To Buffalo, Closing of Winterland, GD Movie Soundrack, various Dick's Picks and Roadshows, etc etc Wife is not amused, 17-month old daughter seems to really like Peggy-O! So, any other (closet) Deadheads here?
  25. Same here, ALAC playback is now fine with 2.2.1 on 2G Touch. (but being forced to 256 AAC VBR has been revelatory - I'll stick with that for portable use for now)
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