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High Rollers
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Everything posted by JimP

  1. ok we have bush...the 0.22mF Ampohms (PIO tin foil) went in. thanks Jon L and Shaizada for this one. guess I need to let it cook in for a bit. very simple mod to do, let's see what the sonic benefits are. (if anyone else is attempting on their Almarro, the first photo already has the stock coupling caps (grey) removed. that confused me a bit, but once you open it up, as SH says, it's evident what caps are to be replaced)
  2. On your question about Leben, I have to say stock Leben > stock Almarro with Super 8 Alnicos. Purely speculative, but it may be the greater power (12wpc vs 4.5wpc) which benefit the Super 8s. Let's see what the cap mod does for Almarro, and I also ordered some Mullards, etc.
  3. should be receiving the 0.22mF Ampohms (PIO tin foil) shortly. shaizada, curious why you went with Auricaps (I guess different flavors)? OK now for the NOOB QUESTION OF THE YEAR: --the upgrade caps are to replace the stock coupling caps --for the life of me staring at photo 1 vs photo 2, which stock cap was removed (it appears all in photo 1 remain and you put in the Auricaps...) --photo 2 clearly shows where the new upgrade caps should go, so that's not the issue, but which one of the stock was removed? Does that make sense?
  4. thanks for the clear photos, pretty much idiot-proofs it for me as to exactly where it goes. Now do I unplug the amp while I solder these in, or not?.....[j/k ing]
  5. I...tried...to...resist...but just put in an order* *realized I didn't provide my head-fi name too:palm:, sent a follow-up email - hope he accept the order.
  6. JimP

    Live Phish questions

    thnx G - a way forward, yeah, that'll keep me busy and listening for awhile;D
  7. OK found the site livephish.com for phish experts out there, any here that are standouts for me to start with? eg, any from the Live Phish I-XX series worthwhile? I may start with the one where they cover Quadrophenia. There's just too much here to wade through. Also I much prefer the live albums, but any must-own studio albums?
  8. that one's kinda old...I would check it at the door, thnx
  9. Can your 'significant other' come back on-line to interact with us? (j/king) Serious question - do you utilize the treble tone controls via what looks like adjustable buttons? btw, thanks for posting your experience with these, I dream of a day in the future I have living space big enough to accommodate something like this.
  10. happy B-day!
  11. matt black looks good! shaizada, if it's not a hassle, you mind snapping some photos of the steps of what you're doing? I know this is fairly straight forward, but I'm not that experienced, and the visual will help. don't worry, I won't hold you liable! want to try this when my work load settles down a bit.
  12. I know, pretty lame on my part, as you've given me advice on this and tube rolling before. Some people have bypassed the volume pot on the A205AMKII (same issue of too much gain that I'm having) to use with preamp, maybe I can get someone out here locally to do this one-shot with the cap mod.
  13. yes, I set almarro volume fixed at 12 noon, then I can use preamp volume from 8 - 10 o'clock on knob. try to contact Jon L, he seems to have a lot of experience with almarro tube rolling.
  14. Super 8 Alnicos - niice!! I'm aware of the cap rolling, but I've kept my A205AmkII stock for now. My set-up is still suboptimal and listen fairly nearfield at low volume (primarily jazz, some foray into live dead, phish these days). The tone, especially midrange is sublime. Some minor quibbles with the amp, which are specific to my setup: --unlike any of my other amps, the Almarro doesn't give me sufficient volume knob play (again, nearfield and low volume). My sources output too high voltage?? I stumbled on using a GS1 (now GS-X) as a preamp, which gives me more refined volume control at low volumes. --I have a toddler in the house, I still have reservations of using an open tube amp. Ultimately when I set all this up in the living room, I'll probably go with the Leben, or the GS-X has opened up some ideas (as preamp to something like a Monarchy Audio SM-70 Pro or some Pass Labs variant). --I may be wrong, but I have a hunch the Super 8 Alnicos could use some juice especially wrt the lower end. The Alnicos are 93db (which is lower than the original Superhemps). --but for now, I'll still use the Almarro for the Super 8 Alnicos, and take my time with any adjustments to my system.
  15. pictures! what speakers are you running off the almarro?
  16. hey monkey, there's a skipjack for sale on hf [FS] Manley SkipJack programmable source selector - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio
  17. I kind of agree with Betty....henceforth I want to be known as Jimmy Buttefuoco. Has a nice ring to it, just need to head down to the US embassy tomorrow...
  18. it's not expensive...only 900 clams (I'm burnt out from equipment these days, but Manley Stingray's been gnawing at me)
  19. On a HF thread: So, You Think You're Hot: Headfi - Please Read Directions! - Head-Fi: Covering Headphones, Earphones and Portable Audio but like I said - please, please shield your eyes, this could damage you psychologically. Be appreciative of your family and close friends, the outside world is bizarre and scary...
  20. from link on head-fi; no comment; no, it is not me... http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u160/tonydontcare/bra_man.jpg
  21. my first foray into PHISH...I like
  22. JBLOUD20 is not responding to my PM's. Anyone know if he's around, or out of pocket for some reason? Thanks of any input.
  23. "cool...I heart guzziguy now...":-*
  24. "...but guzziguy, why do you want to get rid of me? I like the Super 8's..."
  25. If you or any Head-Case member are ever in Hong Kong, do drop by! (don't touch my beer though, that'll cost you)
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