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Everything posted by JimP

  1. I sold my L3000 because I thought the K1000 was my 'IT' phones. Long story short, tried selling my DHA3000 dac/amp, which was damaged in shipping, but was able to have it inspected and fixed by AT Japan (great service, btw). With the DHA3000 back in my hands, then I ended buying another L3000 (??!!) - it's the opposite of K1000, but opposite is good sometimes. I've not had the HP1000, but I've owned PS-1 before. From sonic memory (which is not always reliable), I think PS-1 betters L3000, but for me I had serious comfort issues with PS-1 (and probably why I'm wary of HP1000, ie fit issues again). I have an RS-1 which I run out of my LisaIIIXP with bass boost, which fools me into thinking it's quasi-PS-1. I disagree with earlier post that L3000 is more amp compliant, I find it quite finicky. Not that I have a wide range of amps, but it's the DHA3000 so far that elevates it to 'world class'. Like OP, I have RS-1 and HD650, and if I were to compliment that between L3000 and HP1000, I would choose...uh...K1000.
  2. Maybe off-topic here (in off-topic forum \), but from outsider's perspective, things I'm truly (seriously) grateful for the USA: 1. baseball (love it, not withstanding the current steroids scandals which sucks) 2. hotdogs (I think it's american invention but correct me if I'm wrong; I've had the pleasure to enjoy in Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, etc, so it links to #1) 3. jazz music (too numerous to list by artists) 4. grateful dead 5. tom waits I can't think of anything else right now; I'll sleep on it and post an addendum (p.s.: to keep on topic, Hilary would rank like one million (x one million))
  3. yup, 4-pin xlr female to bare speaker wire, no resistors. 840c will feed both almarro and b60r simultaneously (dac1 just happens to be in picture). For now keeping both dac1 and miniDAC -- both work credibly direct XLR out to the Senns (maybe one goes if I need to raise funds)
  4. Hi MV, I'm just using stock k1000 speaker adaptor pigtail (I'm not qualified to tell you how the pin outs should go on the 4-pin XLR). I encourage others to try this. Doesn't seem universally applicable, but works for me in a HUGE way with my B60R. Enough so, I went down to a CA dealer yesterday and picked up a 840c. I'm getting 'word-class' sound -- by that I mean up to snuff with PS1, L3K/DHA3K that I had previously, and equally enjoyable compared to my K1000/Almarro (actually better tight and tuneful bass). Real happy with how this sort of fell in place, almost "there": (1) need to get a longer XLR to RCA interconnect to run 840c simultaneous to Almarro, while running RCA out to B60R; (2) waiting on an upgraded speaker adaptor to run k1000, so I can continue to use stock adaptor with Senns and B60R. Forget e'stats (for now); relegate the other stuff for office/bedroom or sell-off. Here's a shot of current status -- see Almarro crying in the corner because B60 R wasn't mothballed...
  5. OK I've given this an extended try... I had brought out from storage an old Bryston B60R SS integrated amp (60wpc/8ohms) to use with my K1000. Then I got a dedicated tube amp for the K1000, and intended to mothball the Bryston again. But since I have my Senns (580/650) on balanced cables to 4-pin XLR, and a K1000 4-pin to speaker wire adaptor, I thought I'd try this. First a bothersome low-level hum, but switching to optical feed on the dac instead of USB helped to addess. The result, especially with HD650 is more than noticeable -- everything seems more fleshed out, instruments/notes are separated, overall a punchy/full/detailed sound. A good example is I can easily follow a meaty bass line over the rest of a dense song. in fact, the cleaned up and tightened lower freq. is what I like best. The 580's respond as well, but too forward and in my face (back to kind of Grado land). This has segued from experiment to semi-permanent arrangement -- miniDAC/B60R speaker taps/XLR speaker adaptor/HD650 Zu 4-pin XLR. Right now, about 70% of my listening is on this setup (K1000/Almarro is kind of like the sports car that you take out for a spin on weekends). Of course I paid good money for the Bryston in its day, but this feels like a free upgrade. (I've got an upgraded XLR speaker adaptor on order and I'll use that separately with the K1000/Almarro). Reading this thread, seems like mixed results, any others who have tried this?
  6. that felt like the voice of Moses from the mountain top ...thanks for clarifying!
  7. I have a question for the stax/e'stat experts: is there a reason why a qualified DIYer could not construct a modern version of a SRD7mII type of transformer/energizer? I'm not necessarily on the fast track for this anymore but looking around, these seem pretty hard to score (and in various stages of old age).
  8. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    just a quick follow-up comment: K1000+Almarro is still fantastic, blah, blah, ... but one minor correction: in comparison, I said the K1000 + Bryston was thin, analytical, etc. It was, but that was with DAC1USB as source. I went back to try K1000+Bryston with miniDAC as source. Much much better. Still prefer the Almarro for bit more fulsome sound. I can easily replicate results with repeated A/Bing. Nothing earth shattering here, I know, but in case someone in future is reviewing this thread or researching K1000s, the K1000s can work quite credibly with decent SS integrated amp like a Bryston, with a complimentary source. Also, tried optical instead of USB cable for miniDAC, the minor hum is now gone. I can now use HD580/HD650 as well from Almarro with great results.
  9. OK Smeggy...stop riding me I'll check in with you in about 2-3 months - I should have my Almarro --> crusty stax transformer thingy (or Illusion substitute) --> HE 1.2b then I'm going to smack you...can you smelllllllllllllllllll!!! what the Rock is cookin'!!!
  10. thanks PJ, will start the WTB effort...
  11. OK just to spite Smeggy, I placed an order for an HE 1.2b. I figure it'll take about 2 months before it surfaces. now I need to really find one of these SRD7mkII... [even if these HE 1.2b are in spitting distance of HE90, then it's worth a shot]
  12. You have 3??? oh man, please cough one up... any suggestion on where to find one of these, or just post WTB ads? (I'm aware of the Illusion, bit pricey for what it is, but maybe that'll be my fallback eventually)
  13. you're right, old pieces of junk transformers...(but now I'm on a mission to find one)
  14. "via SRD7 MkII adapter and Almarro. It really doesn't get much better than Almarro/electrostat!" OK I missed this comment when it was originally addressed to me, or it went right over my head. where does one get an SRD7 MkII, eg is it a current product or something I have to pick up in used market?
  15. OK, I literally read through all 58 pages of this thread. (the only other thread here I've more methodically or intently read through in entirety is in Off Topic > Slow Forum...seriously). JUST when I am settling in with my Almarro/K1000 combo, 'stats - in particular the the OII -- starting to peak my interest. Almarro/K1000 ain't going anywhere anytime soon, but a few questions: 1. what are OII's strengths vs. K1000, and vice versa? 2. would OII system be complimentary to or redundant to K1000 system?
  16. uh...sorry maybe wrong forum
  17. Awesome - Grateful Dead have endorsed Obama
  18. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    Jon L, Quick question about one of your suggestions: "As far as background noise with "normal" headphones, I would solder in 2 resistors right at the 1/8" headphone jack, perhaps around 100 Ohms or so" Would a custom 1/8" to 1/4" pigtail with resistance built into that achieve same? (kind of like Etymotics P to S cable) This, and the k1000 speaker extension upgrade are the two simple (and cost effective) upgrades I'd like to do. Otherwise, don't really want to mess around with more substantive mods/upgrades.
  19. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    "Jesus, you sold your L3000?" you've mistaken me for someone else, my name is Jim... No regrets, doesn't diminish my respect for the L3000 especially in tandem with DHA3000. Now I'm no longer curious (same with PS1's I sold a while ago, which were also amazing). Honestly 80% of my listening is with HD580 direct out of miniDAC or DAC1. Or some other 'inferior' combo. Also, the Almarro + K1000 is 80% of the cost of the L3000 alone, nevermind the DHA3000. I've A/B'ed the two sets (not so scientifically but rifling through all my favorite music) -- one is not better than the other. But I think the Almarro/K1000 is also world-class with this holographic soundstage and super detail, with the Almarro adding some bottom end and making the K1000 more musical/less clinical. heck I still enjoy music straight out of minidisc as I do a lot of business travel, but that's another thread.
  20. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    OK last post on the purple nurple... I've voted with my feet. My L3000/DHA3000 has been sold. I'm going with Almarro A205AmkII + K1000. Not that one is 'better' per se, but the latter is a bewitching combo that is holographic beyond the dynamic headphone paradigm. Thanks, Jon L, for your postings/recommendations.
  21. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    Day two with my pimp rig (color coordinates with the knobs on my miniDAC, and that's very important to me now), and I am still enthralled. Wish I had started with K1000 from the beginning. One small disappointment with the Almarro. There is a headphone out (1/8" jack in the back), so with an 1/8" to 1/4" adaptor, I tried my HD650 single-end. Result was very promising (corroborates the other thread by catscratch), but there is significant low level noise/hum. Also tried my HD580 which is wired balance to a 4-pin XLR which I can plug to my K1000 tail to speaker taps. Also sounds very good except for the low level noise/hum. Although I bought the Almarro for standalone with K1000, if I can resolve this noise issue, I would be off-the-charts pleased with this amp purchase. I think I'm going to chrome plate the amp feet...
  22. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    I'm really switched on to this Almarro + K1000. Question for Jon L, do you listen to K1000 from 8 ohm or 16 ohm tap?
  23. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    yes it was HIT Audio, really nice people. I didn't bring K1000s with me. They did demo the A205AmkII with some floor standing high-sensitivity speakers (Zu Druids?), which sounded stunning. I'm still bewitched by these K1000s. Too early to tell, but the A205's 'miserly' 5w per ch at 8 ohm are really making the K1000s shine, eg, there's enjoyable and quality bass out of the K1000s now. All the wonderful detail is still there, but no longer 'clinical' as was from the B60R. With either mini-DAC or DAC1 variable volume set at 12 o'clock, I can't exceed around 9 o'clock on A205 volume knob, tad higher for classical. I think this purple one was a custom job for someone who must have bailed out. If this Almarro settles in nicely with the K1000s, I'll probably start shedding a lot of my other stuff. Maybe even get real speakers for this Almarro...
  24. JimP

    K1000 = hope

    OK update Started researching for proper amp for K1000, and cut to the chase, I bought an Almarro A205A mkII single-ended pentode integrated amplifier. see here (http://www.almarro.com/products.html). Not much info out there, but a few very strong testimonials with K1000, price point seemed right US$800, and official dealer in HK. Just letting it cook-in today, and already it betters the 'sterileness' from the B60R that it replaces. If you check Almarro site, it's offered in black and whitish grey. Mine is...uh....poiple It was the last one in stock, otherwise dealer claims a couple months wait. Will provide impressions with K1000 after some use of this combo. As for the color, if the bling bothers me long-term, I suppose I could repaint the chassis myself, or sell it to Prince (or get a purple faceplace for my DAC1, and a purple band for the K1000...what the hell am I talking about?)
  25. question for GRAWK: when you say "But the headphone out is 1000000% better", which one are you referring to?
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