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Everything posted by Cucera

  1. I was at the Canjam Europe last Sunnday and was amazed to find that malvalve had developed some Elektrostatic drivers, that were able to put out some real Bass and high resolution.. If he finds someone (I recommended him the right person, but he despises him) who is able to design a good Housing this will be 009/007 Territory. And he plans a Headamp 4 with >2400V stator to stator based on KT77. When he started on topology it seemed to me he has studied Kevins Designs.
  2. I want a set too.
  3. A friend told me he saw the two new Sennheiser sets allready, but as he is not a technical minded guy, he was not sure they are Electrostats but their prices are north of the old Orpheus.
  4. Why do you think so?
  5. I am really interested in this new amp. As much as I love my BHSE usually I prefere solid state because of the convenience. And those new transistor types made me curious since reading Nelson Pass' article on them two years ago. http://www.firstwatt.com/pdf/art_sit_intro.pdf
  6. Wow, looks good. Maybe you can get at a place where it sounds at least as good (or bad) as a SRM-007t. Did one of those actually cause a fire?
  7. My Mjölnir Audio BHSE has landed and first impression: Audio heaven! Thank you Birgir.
  8. Beautiful I envy you.
  9. I am well aware why Tyll did this measurement. But I don't think that the KGSS can make a 5 dB difference between 7-9KHz. The second one will definitely be less bright. The two had different SN maybe such variation within a lot is not unusual. Should also explain the vastly different impressions. I am sure Birger can shed some light.
  10. I heard some rumors about the SR -009 being changed. I'll welcome that because I always thought it to be too bright. Now I found some measurements on Tylls site that look to me like a prove of that claim. Old Version: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/...009SZ91278.pdf New Version?: http://www.innerfidelity.com/images/...Z92251KGSS.pdf
  11. Yes this is mine! And I agree with Birgir the 009 is earbleeding brigt, even on lesser amps and I doubt the BHSE will make it smoother.
  12. After reading the whole thread I pulled the trigger this weekend for a new Spritzer build BHSE. I've been lusting this amp for 6 years now and am really curious how it compares to the KGSS with my O2 MK1. The bass should be better but regarding the impact on the hights I have read controversial findings.
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