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Everything posted by gepardcv

  1. Let’s not forget that Focal warranty is non-transferable, so used units don’t get serviced, even if they originally came from an authorized dealer at full MSRP+tax. (Not that Stax warranty support is anything to boast of, either.)
  2. Could there be something goofy with your playback software or DAC, or the combination of the two? For example, I found that the ODAC clips nastily with software playback volume is set to 100%, but could not reproduce the problem on other DACs.
  3. Paid. Many thanks.
  4. It depends on the max current draw, doesn't it? For 20V with a SS Dynalo, for example, you need some heatsinking, but not a huge amount. For those builds, I just attach the devices to the aluminum chassis (through a pad, naturally) and it works well. For 30V with a SS Dynahi, I attached them to large external heatsinks.
  5. @penmarker: This is the standard HC advice on the subject:
  6. Not once you deduct the cost of running a company, building product, and paying taxes. With 8M gross revenue, it probably lost money — must have, or it would likely have stayed in business.
  7. Out of curiosity, which Russian forums do you read?
  8. Also paid. Thank you!
  9. But they come in a gift box!!
  10. I'd be in for a GG set.
  11. I have heard it. Garbage. It doesn’t provide enough gain for a 007 to play above a whisper at max volume (approximately equivalent to the loudness of a Carbon at 9 o’clock with a 50k volume pot). There is also photographic evidence suggesting its output bias line is electrically unsound and unsafe for electrostatic headphones: https://www.head-case.org/forums/topic/786-the-headcase-stax-thread/?do=findComment&comment=778245
  12. Wasn't worth the effort. But now that the cat left the bag, the thread in question is here (comparisons to the measurement I hotlinked on page 6), with a response from the manufacturer, and a response from the person who originally interpreted the hotlinked measurements as "good" here.
  13. Not my dScope. The image is hotlinked from... a couple of places where a shitstorm has erupted on whether that measurement shows a "good" or "bad" DAC. I'm just trying (and failing) to make sense of the (few) technical arguments in between the accusations and insults.
  14. If you were to look at this DAC measurement for a 1kHz test tone, what would you conclude?
  15. A little virtuoso harpsichord music to start your morning right: http://allofbach.com/en/bwv/bwv-808/
  16. Does the order need to hit 25 each of TKD and Alpha to unlock preferential pricing, or 25 total?
  17. Interested in an Alpha. Maybe two if you get the price down to $30 per case. Edit: Aesthetic preferences: delete "SuSy" and move the "Dynalo" label to the upper left of the front panel.
  18. The thread was removed from HF just because the Perun guys didn't pay a sponsorship fee? Really? Does this imply that Stax pays HF to keep the Stax thread available? I always thought the Stax corporation has no idea HF exists and wouldn't give a damn in any case.
  19. You might have fried all those transistors, so if startup does not work sinked, you should probably replace them...
  20. That looks like an adorable robot.
  21. That guy might know what he’s talking about when it comes to music theory, but (1) his appeal to authority fails because the producers he referred to mix music styles where — no shit — compression artifacts are often inaudible, and (2) he had his assistant run a statistically insignificant and poorly-designed test. And didn’t make a note of this fact. Maybe he doesn’t understand statsig testing. A much better test is available here (http://abx.digitalfeed.net/), but watching someone run through that doesn’t make for a good clickbait video. That said, I agree that distinguishing between 320kbps MP3s and lossless files is no joke. Strangely enough, I often hear a difference between my own local lossless rips and Tidal streams, but haven’t nailed down the reasons. Might be different masters, might be Tidal problems like subtle loudness reduction, might be my imagination.
  22. @ruslanch, @Pars: How large is the redone GRLV board?
  23. Is “a decent amount” closer to 50, 100, 500, or more? I want a few of each, but don’t want to spend more than a total of $200 or thereabouts.
  24. Cool! But maybe we can merge this with the established T2 thread?
  25. Arrow has been running a free overnight shipping promotion for a while now. I've been using it instead of Mouser and Digi-Key where possible.
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