Hey guys, my skin is thick, I just thought who the heck is this guy.
As far as it not being personal but about the post, well the post was written by me personally, so I have trouble seeing how a facepalm comment about my post could be seen as mutually exclusive from the person that wrote it.
I read the welcome PM carefully, trust me. I also did a little research before I posted to get a feel who was who and doing what. I know KG and am familiar with his work. He may remember me from another headphone forum, we had some correspondence, I provided him with an original Stax SRM-313 schematic which he did not have at the time.
As far as the caps, I choose caps on performance criteria, mainly dissipation factor. However the Jensens were just some of a few I tried. They were a lot better than the OEM caps in the SRM-313. The four poles better. It was the four poles I wanted to evaluate as that configuration I had not seen before, so I picked up some orange ones while I was at it. And the chokes made a very noticeable difference also. AFAIK, not many or may be any Stax use a CLC filtered power supply.
In terms of what people are doing, I don't see many designing their own circuits for amplifiers or other electronic gear. I see spritzer using op-amps in audio equipment, notably OPA2604. Op-amps have no place in high quality audio reproduction, yes they are ok for making cheap hi-fi, but if you are serious about good audio then op-amps won't get you there.
OPA2604 are so so as far as op-amps go, but the OPA627 or OPA637 (CL >5) leave them behind. It's a no contest. I gave up on op-amps about 15 years ago, because nothing you can do will fix up their problems. Not the least they use feedback and that's going to severely limit forward progress because of it, besides all their other limitations. I tried and I tried, including current sinking and sourcing the outputs for single ended class A operation and balancing the impedances seen by the input terminals. Both made big improvements, but a good discrete design relegated them into the spare parts box for repairs and non-audio work.
Dusty Chalk, if you don't want to learn from other peoples knowledge good for you. But to qualify that statement for any one else here that does I think is a little too generous.
Hope that's not too much writing in one post, but I tried to address everyone's comments in one go.