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Everything posted by Amar

  1. Problem is, as I noted before, I contacted the store that he gave me then, and they'd confirmed his full name as the owner. And given that this name is diefferent from the gas bill your friend got, then all bets are off. He prolly has few more fake ID's lying around.
  2. Thanks for the correction, That motivated me to dig further into my correspondence with Robert-whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is and I dunno how I missed it but thanks to the almighty Outlook servers : So it's the same number, correct me if I'm wrong: 71788
  3. Yeah this guy's is a gifted swindler it appears... He changed his every detail since 2011 when i and another fellow were stung by his Audiogon ad. But i recognize his voice from the recording, no confusing him. Back then, I did veify with the store he gave me that a Robert Morewood was a client of theirs and they confirmed he bought Stax gear from them. I'm sorry for your friend's loss. Maybe if we could combine our cases it would be substantial enough for the the UK police to proceed. I also messaged the other fellow who posted his case back in 2011: http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/robert-morewood-c438695.html I hope he gets an email alert. I'm in for a the surprise-party notion btw, I'll be there in August-September. It'd be sweet to trackdown this slime.
  4. Yeah he has a nice, clean English accent. Torpedo, Please check if this wire info matches with your friend's: Name :ROBERT MOREWOOD Bank name / address NATIONWIDE 36a WOOD STREET STRATFORD UPON AVON WARWICKSHIRE CV37 6JG ENGLAND IBAN CODE - GB07 0701 1632 4271 11
  5. So i'd like to try and spoil his fun for once. Do you have his bank details by chance?
  6. It's no wonder he's not accepting paypal, and it's indeed very much relating to being scammed- This is the same scumbag who ripped me off 5 years ago thru Audiogon. The same set, I can confirm by the SN# on the SRE-750 box from a pic he sent me then: I sent him a partial payment by wire transfer and he vanished, Even talked to him on the phone to convince myself to do it... Incidentally, I'm heading to the UK soon. I think about filling a claim to local police. I notice the last listing is already closed, I really hope no one got duped again. But if someone can help me by contacting him for feign interest and try toget his bank wire transfer details so i can confirm, i'd very much appreciate it.
  7. ^Ditto.
  8. Amar


    Apologize for slightly OT, Could use a quick advice: I'm looking to replace my screwd-up KGSS PSU board with a mini-PSU, Only question is about the heatsinks for the current source transistors, in my case 2SA1968 are coupled to the same sinks as the power mosfets and I noticed in two varaitions of the boards thus far that use either a smaller single-sided sinks or a single shared double-sided sink. Would these solutions be effective for handling 2SA1968's? Also, if someone has a spare board I would love to know.
  9. Thanks Kevin, I'll try my best to put that info to good use.
  10. I understand. and to wrap it up, what adjusted trafo voltage and current output would you suggest? Anything in particular from Hammond's 1182 series that's the only availablity from Mouser for this matter: http://il.mouser.com/Power/Transformers/Power-Transformers/_/N-8u9n5?P=1z0j7ozZ1yz4cc8Z1yz4cc7Z1z0wd2bZ1z0wd3aZ1z0j5qxZ1yvyg7o http://www.hammondmfg.com/1182.htm
  11. Hi Kevin, If i'm not mistake your instruction relates to the new psu, which i do not have. In the original dual-zener psu that i have will changing R1/R3 have the same effect? Or do i need the replace the zeners instead?
  12. Hello, I got word of this great project thru a friend who mentioned Kevin's remark about it being "HE6 killer" with the 35V rail configuration, So i'd like to attempt it to make my K1000 sing with a zest I never quite heard of them yet... Unfortunatley i only learned about the alternative, beefier (?) PSU after i had aquired the boards with the orginal PSU. Is it still doable to push to 35v rails with it? I read that entire thread but there's no specific reference about the matter other than Kevin states that the newer PSU can support a balanced configuration. I'm also not clear wrt to the modification requirements besides the changing of the servo opamp. Moving to 50V electrolytes goes without saying i suppose. anything else? Sorry i'm not very technical minded, please bear with me.
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