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    Music, Dogs, Hiking, Fell Running, Time Trial Cycling, Photography
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    UK & Spain
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    Music, Dogs, Hiking, Fell Running, Time Trial Cycling, Photography
  • Headphones
    009 & 007A 2015
  • Headphone Amps
    Carbon 20mA & KGSShv off-board 10 Amps Sanyo 450v
  • Sources
    Audio Note DAC 5 Special + Mod & AMR DP-777 + Tube Mod / Audirvana+
  • Other Audio Gear
    Plinius SA-103 Power Amp, Zingali Clent Name Evo Horn Speakers, PS Audio P10 Power Regenerator, Mac Mini with Uptone Audio PS Mod, HD Plex PS, M2 Tech EVO full stack w. Mod.

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  1. Dude, I haven't sunken to your level of retarded language and generally neanderthal behaviour. I said I wouldn't join the bully club. I have no fucking interest in it. I saw it at school, in night clubs with piss heads, I avoid violence and walk away from moronic behaviour. You obviously can't take any examination in your direction. If you remember you slung a public post at me saying the 'fucktard uses tubes to make his 009s sound good' No reason for that attack (with no logic). I PM'd you politely explaining to you that tubes in a decently designed DAC are not designed in as tone controls (as you are trying to say as a fact). Lets see, why do some top DACs use tubes? How many top pre-amplifiers also use tubes as regulated power supply and / or gain stage. I wonder why the T2 and the BHSE uses tubes in the gain stages or part of the gain stage? Are these designs garbage in your eyes? Clearly when I explained this to you in a shorter and more polite manner, you couldn't take it. So you blow off on one. I obviously had to respond. I sent you that review of your DAC, hoping you may see a bright sounding DAC would naturally make the 009s sound bright to you. The 007s are more forgiving IMO, better for your system I would suggest. You didn't like this. So here we are, you swearing in front of your mates for support. Lets kick the fuckers head in guys. Fucking wanker, fucking fascist cunt. Yeah kill him. This forum has some interesting things on it, but I don't join in the bully swearing club and daily character assassinations that seem to surround the positives. It seems to have got worse over the last 12 months. There are too many on here that ruin what could be a great forum of positives about this hobby. Yeah, I get the welcome intro, yes, be passionate, but cyber bullying and ridiculous language over a sound system. It isn't about religion or ISIS, it is about this amp or headphone sounds good, this amp works like that. Sharing DIY skills. Jeeze, WTF? How many times have I seen the word 'retard' on here. I may inform you I have a cousin who had brain damage in a car accident, and he got called a retard at college. I hate that, just like I hate any kind of hate. I won't hate you, I leave and pretend you don't exist, then the loop of hate ends. There, I am done. I put the photo in for some humour as someone said no humour. But I am not feeling funny. To those (many) who post great information on here (you know who you are) chill, I am not talking to you. I am talking to the idiots who troll, attack, cyber bully and swear, generally exhibit irrational and aggressive behaviour and go off topic so much to swear and basically assassinate anyone they see as not in 'the club'. so act like a neanderthal. Since when is that a good behaviour in an audio forum for enthusiasts? And when was it a great thing to be 'proud" of. The opportunity to display aggression and bad language remotely is in my mind cyber bullying. It is something to remove from the modern world, not encourage.
  2. If you recall correctly I was telling you that a Tubed DAC does not necessarily mean treble loss or a tone control fix for the 009 as you were claiming it was. As you may know the Meridian Director DAC is recognised as a 'bright DAC' and in combo with your 717 amp which I used to own, will give a tipped up treble balance. Possibly why you prefer the 007s?
  3. I don't join the bullshit club either. You however seem to be putting yourself up for top technical bod, the one who decides who is a looser, who knows how much about equipment, indeed who gets the personal attacks and assignations. It is termed 'cyber bullying' I believe if it is taken out of context of the subject (hifi discussions). As I said, I put emphasis on comparison by contrast. I use my ears. Many here know the technicalities of good design as well, that is why I like to read here. I don't say I have such knowledge, but I know what I hear, and Kevin's KGSShv and Carbon designs are superb sounding amplifiers. I have had the delight to have owned such amplifiers for 4 years, and before that 20 years of Stax amps and various headphones. So I don't see myself as a newbie as such. Rather an oldie with IMO decent ears. I haven't built an Electrostatic amp but I have built a tubed pre-amplifier, and 3 x tubed DACs. I enjoyed that experience immensely.
  4. Wow, a lot of time to write that. Impressed. Hmm, I post about stuff I have either owned, or heard. I don't say anything is garbage unless I hear it first. I understand there are others more knowledgable in technical matters who can do that. Respect. But I post as an audiophile who likes decent sounding gear. Simple. I don't join in the bully club. Now if you enjoy that sort of thing, maybe you need help.
  5. You heard the Lampizator Golden Gate? Thought not. Come on this forum is supposed to avoid the review without hearing thing that HF gets accused of 100% of the time. I see folk over there who comment on gear they actually own, same on here. But I ignore ones that say stuff and haven't heard it. Ok MSB amp is a freak as the price is insane, so up for flack.
  6. Hi Kevin I don't know all the technicalities. But looking at a good tubed pre-amplifier design, a tube regulated power supply and tube line stage can sound very good I found. Some very nice pre-amps with this topology. I may be wrong, but I am thinking a DAC is basically a pre-amp with a digital board (hugely simplified analogy). Lampizator use tubed regulated PS and output for example. The Golden Gate sounds very good. I am not saying tubed DACs are better, only can sound great as does solid state.
  7. What are you basing this opinion on? On a top amp and good DAC the 009 is SO good it is untrue IMO.
  8. Oh my, tubes sound so bad they are used in the T2 and BHSE. Not accurate at all then?
  9. Respect for posting. It sounds plausible to me, but I don't know the technicals so over to others for that. Anyway, least MSB are supplying more details.
  10. Was that Tyll? If it was I agree. Sorry, it wasn't Tyll apologies.
  11. Interesting. I heard about the KGSShv on here. I then heard it in real life then bought 2. Then I heard about the carbon version one here too. Then bought one. So I do value the knowledge from you guys. And I agree 100% any unbiased and knowledgable insight on this MSB amp design is going to come from this forum for sure. Maybe 'reviews' from others who get to hear it might be somewhere else. How useful they are is up for debate for sure.
  12. Err no, saying if the guy owns the Abyss and Utopia and just bought the 009s with his hard earned he 'may' or should be able to form an opinion he can share, that is what folk do on forums. If I owned all 3 I would do just that. Better opinion than guessing or a short demo at a show perhaps? However, if that is not the case then WTF is the point in any of this??????? I am also curious how the Abyss and Utopia shape up to the 009s (different subject I realise).
  13. No, I am saying they are saying that (MSB) by charging so much over and above everything else sold to date both commercially and DIY. I am saying I am interested in any review on the amp. I am hoping iSquirrel it an honest opinion. He has the Utopia and Abyss in the house, so maybe will be ok for a review? I don't trust magazines, but I do trust some posts on here and at other forums if that person seems to be knowledgable. I don't say stuff is good myself unless I get my ears around it, which in this case I won't. And most won't either. I never buy only based on reviews, I hand over cash based on my own demo's for main items in a system. Kevin, I think the pic of the insides in the back left area, so maybe front right area is out of shot? Pic here of the Select chassis (same footprint).
  14. Oh my. It is a controversial product for sure at this price. Kinda saying, everything before is useless, this is surpassing all previous designs with a price tag like this. MSB are a good company as regards DAC designs though, albeit a bit pricey maybe? Couple of annoying things to me. 1. The amp is useless to anyone without the 80K Select DAC I believe. 2. It is doubtful any of us will get to hear it to know if it sounds amazing or not. However iSquirrel is a knowledgable audiophile. He has an amazing speaker setup and posts on many forums. He admits he has little knowledge about Stats, but he has the Utopia and Abyss to compare to the MSB amp. So I am interested to read why he says. I think he is legit (not dealer / reseller). He just seems to have big budgets for his hobby, fare enough. Nice looking chassis. Pity they used Google Translate for the text.
  15. Forget the techno, just get to hear it. Simple.
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