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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Well, my 2007 Macbook has better specs than the new Air and it feels slow when compared to recent i3 or i5 laptops, especially on Windows 7.
  2. I do get your point Reks and FWIW I'm no "specs-head", but I just think those kind of specs are not future-proof on a machine that is released in 2010.
  3. I love Apple hardware as much as anybody here, but common, 1600$ for a Core 2 Duo with 2GB of RAM (probably soldered on the mobo)...
  4. The 13" Air is sexy, but WAY overpriced.
  5. I think you might not have reached the end of Google and the search function yet if your incredible searching skills have lead you to buy the Denon D2000.
  6. Fail thread is fail.
  7. This place works the other way around.
  8. Sorry, I don't have the Mendelssohn SACD Hybrid. I noticed also that the liner notes for all the boxset CDs are the same as those for the SACDs, includind DSD engineer, which pretty much confirms that this they are the same redbook version. I suppose the SACD layer must have something different, unfortunately I don't have a SACD player.
  9. Happy birthday guys!
  10. I just did a waveform comparison between the redbook layer of the SACD and the redbook-only Brahms Piano Concerto No.1 and they're the same thing.
  11. PFM - Storia Di Un Minuto
  12. Except we do that all the time.
  13. Opeth - Blackwater Park
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. Tough loss against the Lightning last night, they came back from 0-2 and 2-3 to win the game 4-3 in overtime. I bet young PK Subban will think again next time before taking a penalty with 2 minutes to play in the 3rd and his team leading. Solid performance by Carey Price though. Now he has to maintain that through the rest of the season and bring the Habs to conference finals if he wants to get the fans back on his side.
  16. That's good to hear. It was Thanksgiving in Canada today so no shipping, I'll probably get mine tomorrow.
  17. That's a FOTM train I might ride.
  18. I was talking about the style. Never heard a SR-X.
  19. I'd also throw a SR-X MK3 in the mix.
  20. Uh oh.
  21. Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway It had been quite a while since I played this album, what a masterpiece. IMO, nobody else in rock ever pulled the perfect blend of melody, imagination and virtuosity that Genesis had during this era (70-77).
  22. Habs stole the game from the Pens last night in the last few minutes, thanks to a BIG gift by Fleury. Strange deja vu feeling. And I'm glad the Leafs are back on track, the fans deserve it after a (very long) walk through the desert.
  23. Are you going to list every Stax deal you find?
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