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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. LMAO, good (re)call.
  2. Happy birthday!
  3. Cool, I wasn't aware there was some kind of secret HD25 worshipping club. How do you like them in comparison to the rest of your stuff?
  4. I'm tired of sticking IEMs in my ears when using public transportation because it's PITA to put them and remove them when people are trying to talk to me. I've never heard closed headphones other than cheap Sony's, so it's a totally blind buy.
  5. GPH

    New O2 + KGSS Rig

  6. Where's the orange on the amp? Other than that, sweet amp.
  7. GPH

    New O2 + KGSS Rig

    No problem, Don spritzer, no problem. Anything you want.
  8. GPH

    New O2 + KGSS Rig

    Wouldn't you be more like the Godfather itself? Or is it Elephas?
  9. I understood what you said the first time, but if you read my original post carefully, I was in no way implying that people who love RSA are not good people. In fact, I was saying pretty much the same thing that you said in your reply.
  10. As far as I know, the only rule here is "Don't be an asshat". I don't think many people care if you like RSA or not, as long as you express your opinions is a reasonable way.
  11. I don't want to sound as whiny, but any way to put the user names on the left like on H-F? It gets confusing the way it is now and take way too much space on the top.
  12. That was a fast and painless transition, good job tkam! I'll have to get used to the "head-fi-cation" of the site because I really liked the old interface, but I bet there's are good administrative reasons behind the switch.
  13. I was just fooling around. I've never heard a Raptor in fact, but all the heat and fire stories are very funny. I didn't like the DT880 very much when I had them, but they were not bad, just unnatural and slightly boring to my ears.
  14. People around here like them only when paired with a Raptor.
  15. No electricity at my house since 3PM yesterday. We've had some violent thunderstorms yesterday afternoon and there are 245 000 houses in Quebec without power. Fortunately, this is not the case here at work so I can catch the latest Head-case gossips.
  16. Congratulations Nate! Babies are so cute and adorable, which leads to:
  17. Just ordered most of the stuff needed to build a Mini^3 amp. It will be my first DIY build.
  18. GPH

    beatles vs. stones

    MP3 samples or it doesn't exist.
  19. GPH

    beatles vs. stones

    I like the Beatles, but they sound awful on headphones. On the other hand, you'd have to pay me to listen to a full Stones record.
  20. GPH

    Any hockey fans?

    I read it's the first time a team with a European captain wins the Stanley Cup. That will shut up all those who say they have no "heart" during the playoffs.
  21. Wow, that's probably the cheapest I've seen for Omega II. Good catch. And don't worry, we welcome you with open arms in the Head-case OII/FOTM team.
  22. Slainte mhath!
  23. Sounds like a great price for the system. I bet you'll be able to sell it for around 500$ on Head-fi when you upgrade to OII.
  24. I have these exact shoes. New Balance is just so comfortable, it's one of the very few brands of which I'm a loyal customer.
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