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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. I've heard markl has a Ph.D. in headphone damping, you should ask him.
  2. I need help from fellow Stax-heads. I'm having trouble with my Stax system since last week. For a reason that I don't know yet, the bass became boomy and loose and I get a lot of distortion if I turn the volume a little bit higher than my normal listening volume. Also, percussions are slightly harsher and I get some kind of metallic resonance on some hard-hitting notes. I can still listen to my music and it sounds pretty good at normal volumes, but not as good as what it used to. Could it be the tubes approaching their end? They still glow and I get the same sound problems with both channels (L/R), so I'm not sure if they're the problem. I ordered a new pair of 6fq7 a couple of days ago just to verify, but I didn't receive them yet. Could it be the OII themselves? I never heard of anyone with such problem, but I guess it could happen. I played with the source and cable and this is definitely not where the problem lies. If it's the amp, I'm screwed because I don't know how to repair it and I doubt Stax still services this model. Anyway, I know it's probably impossible to diagnose a problem just with the information I've given, but if you guys ever had a similar experience, feel free to share...
  3. That's fugly.
  4. 1) Omega II ... 2) iM716 3) KSC-75 4) HD25-1
  5. How much did it cost originally?
  6. Thanks, I didn't find anything using the search function on head-fi.
  7. I have a question for you Stax addicts: What's the difference between KGSS and KGSS DX? There's a guy in NYC who wants to sell one, but it's around 2100$ which is quite a bit more than a standard KGSS and he prefers to deal face to face, which means 10 hours by car. I'd like to know if it's worth it.
  8. I wipe my ass with 10x18G JenaLabs cables.
  9. GPH

    slow forum

    Yeah, I agree the video was kind of lame, but seeing the Batmobile in action is awesome. I was hoping for some racing shots of the bat-moto (or whatever it's called).
  10. GPH

    slow forum

  11. GPH

    slow forum

  12. Happy birthday guys!
  13. GPH

    Any hockey fans?

    Yay! Laraque in Montreal. Ok, he's not the one who'll score points, but at least we'll have one intimadating guy in the team.
  14. GPH

    New O2 + KGSS Rig

    I confirm that charge time is very important with the O2. I haven't done any scientific measures, but I'd say it sounds good after one hour and even better after a couple of hours. With no charge time, it sounds pretty bad, congested is the right word. It lacks the space feeling and the bass simply isn't there compared to a fully woken-up pair. Charging electrostats is not bullshit like burn-in time, I bet even a noob could tell a charged O2 from uncharged one in a blind test.
  15. LMAO, good catch. I liked the part at the end about medication and psychological problems.
  16. Bonne f
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. You know what I meant.
  19. And you live in the country that produces the best strong IPAs.
  20. IMO, none of the Unibroue beers are hot weather beers, they're too sweet, creamy and rich to be enjoyed on summer days. I prefer them late at night or during a supper, but YMMV. My hot weather beer style of choice is very hoppy IPAs.
  21. Sweet, the Maudite is a good beer. The Unibroue brewery is not far from where I live and most of their beers range from decent to excellent. I just wish they'd take more risks and release something other than Belgian-style beers. My favorite from them is the Trois-Pistoles. Yummy.
  22. Thanks for the impressions deepak, there's not a lot information to be found about these phones.
  23. GPH

    The Live Music Thread

    Coming back from seeing Iron Maiden with two of my buddies at the Heavy MTL festival. It confirmed one more time that Bruce Dickinson is the ultimate heavy metal frontman and that Iron Maiden fucking rocks. Solid setlist, incredible level of energy from all the band members and the crowd, it was a great show.
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