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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. Happy birthday, have fun!
  2. My expectations are low.
  3. Ordered a little while ago, but Steve just showed me pictures of the final product:
  4. Sorry if I appear like a complete noob, but I really appreciate your input about this. What you're saying is that I should scrap these resistors and solder the wires directly?
  5. I don't understand what that means.
  6. Thanks, I just did that and there's no noise now.
  7. I received my KGSS DX yesterday and I noticed it is making a weird "charging" sound that is somehow amplified when I move my head fast from left to right. It does that as soon as it is plugged on the wall, without any source connected. I opened it up this morning and noticed that there is a capicitor with one end floating around in the air, not touching anything. Any opinions? P.S. Sorry for the crappy pics, I suck at photography.
  8. Seconded.
  9. Bonne f
  10. Happy birthday, have a good one!
  11. Thanks for the heads up, I'll try it.
  12. Thanks for the heads up, I'll try it.
  13. To rip my CDs, I boot in Windows with Boot Camp and use EAC with some plugin that converts my tracks directly to ALAC. I don't know if the result is worth all this trouble, but I do it anyway. To listen to my music, I use iTunes, which feeds the bits to my Duet. I love this setup a lot except for the fact that my MacBook fan can get quite noisy when I do a lot of multitasking.
  14. To rip my CDs, I boot in Windows with Boot Camp and use EAC with some plugin that converts my tracks directly to ALAC. I don't know if the result is worth all this trouble, but I do it anyway. To listen to my music, I use iTunes, which feeds the bits to my Duet. I love this setup a lot except for the fact that my MacBook fan can get quite noisy when I do a lot of multitasking.
  15. My mother plays violin in the Montreal Symphony Orchestra so I've been exposed to good sound in concerts since a very young age. I had always found headphones very underwhelming compared to live music until one of my friends who's into music recording made me listen to a pair of closed Sennheiser about 4 years ago. I bought a pair of PX100 not long after and I've been pretty happy until I found Head-fi two years ago. That's where the descent to hell began and Head-case only accelerated the drowning.
  16. At the gym (once every two days), I do: - 10 minutes of warm-up on the treadmill - couple of different machines for bodybuilding (2 series of 12 with max charge) - 10 minutes of hardcore treadmill to keep my heartbeat high - 10 minutes of elliptical trainer - stretching exercises I also play one or two games of squash every week.
  17. Good luck in finding a KGSS, Justin doesn't make them anymore and it took about 3 weeks before someone replied to my WTB ad on Head-fi.
  18. Happy birthday!
  19. I see Head-fi as the poor man's Head-case.
  20. No matter when you get it, I suggest buying a refurb from Apple Store. I saved about 300$ that way and I couldn't have told the difference between my MacBook and a brand new one.
  21. That's BS, I did an A/B comparison between standard pink noise and your FF burner at 4X speed and pink noise gave me more extended highs and a blacker background.
  22. Screw the emos, this is what a real man looks like:
  23. Happy birthday!
  24. I'm pretty sure it's your old one. From what I understand, you sold it to tyrion, who sold it to [email protected], who sold it to ShaolinRasta, who sold it to me. Many owners, but all reputable people so I'm not too worried.
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