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High Rollers
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Everything posted by GPH

  1. R.I.P. coach
  2. Can I have my username in bold now?
  3. Hey, I'm not the one who came here and threatened not to post because I didn't like the rules. That came out as pompous to me so I called it. In fact, I value your contribution on Head-fi, but I don't understand the attitude you took in the last few posts here.
  4. The only rule here is "don't be an asshat". You just broke it with that post.
  5. Happy birthday!
  6. Happy birthday, have a good one!
  7. I happen to have these two headphones and I don't really hear any similarities other than the fact that they make music. Seriously, they're pretty much opposites. The overall sound of the iM716 is thin, even when amped, while it would be impossible to describe the O2 as thin. The O2 bass extends very deep, while the iM716 does not. The O2 has a good soundstage, the iM716 does not. I could continue like that, but it's really an apples and oranges comparison. The iM716 are great because they provide isolation and a decent SQ at a good price, but other than that they don't rival with the big boys.
  8. Happy birthday!
  9. It's been a while since one sold on H-F in the For Sale forums. It only takes one person to sell at a higher price that will become a reference point. It won't be me though, I like them too much.
  10. Quick question for OII owners, what's the best place to buy Mk1 pads at a decent price?
  11. Ignorant yankees.
  12. Hey, you can't disrespect poutine like that.
  13. I'll trade one for a poutine. FedEx Overnight.
  14. I'd really like a good crab sandwich right now. When I was younger, I used to go on vacation every summer on the U.S. east coast and there were always small restaurants near the sea making delicious and fresh crab sandwiches. Here, you don't find that.
  15. I drive my Omega II with what could be considered a "poor man's source" and it sounds pretty awesome to my ears. I haven't had the chance to compare to many high-end sources, only the Audio Research CD3 MK2, which was a very noticeable improvement, but using a mid-fi source shouldn't stop you from buying the Stax. Once you will decide to improve your source, you'll appreciate the upgrade even more than if you had jumped straight away to a top source.
  16. Back to dynamics Deepak?
  17. I like mine, it's very comfortable. I wore it a couple of times at the gym and once at the university. I've yet to receive a commentary about the logo though, except when I brought it to the Montreal headphone meet.
  18. Fusion offers the possibility to use your Boot Camp partition, so you can run the VM if have to do something fastly or you can boot in Windows if you need optimal performance.
  19. Happy birthday Deepak!
  20. You're saying I can send the phones to Koss without any cable and they'll replace them no questions asked?
  21. Yes, I just opened the housing. One thing though that I didn't mention, the squeal was there when I first received the pair, but very very small and not permanent. Now, the squeal is there all the time on the right driver. I might just send it to Koss and get a brand new pair.
  22. Yes, the drivers were covered.
  23. I just opened the cup and don't see any dust. I tried tapping on the cup and shaking it gently, but the squeal is still there. If the problem is due to arcing between the terminals, is there any way to fix the problem by myself?
  24. I successfully completed the recable with the Stax extension cable. Let's just say that out the KGSS, it's a totally different world than with the E/90. I won't do much listening tonight because I'm tired and will go to sleep soon, but I'll try to put some impressions tomorrow. Unfortunately, I think some dust infiltrated the right driver and I get an annoying squeal, I'll also have to investigate that tomorrow.
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